
Derek O'Connor

University College Dublin, Retired

Active since 2011

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Professional Interests: Algorithms and Data Structures, Numerical Analysis


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Is there a better way to randomly generate a Doubly Stochastic Matrix?
@Matt, You are a true blue Matlabber. With just matrix indexing you have written a function which is many times faster than mine...

11 years ago | 0


Is there a better way to randomly generate a Doubly Stochastic Matrix?
Here is a profile of the call |n = 2*10^3; M = DStochMat02(n,ones(n)./n);| More specifically, can the hot-spot, statement 1...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0



Memory Utilization of a program in matlab.
A few years ago I suggested to Mathworks that they include memory usage in their Profiler. They said they were thinking about it...

12 years ago | 0

How to count consuctive 0's inbetween values of 1
This discussion might be useful: <>

12 years ago | 0


The Bellman-Ford-Moore Shortest Path Algorithm
A simple, efficient sparse implementation of the original Bellman-Ford-Moore Shortest Path Algorithm

12 years ago | 3 downloads |


Poisson random number generator
This is a cleaner fix of |PoissonSamp| % ------------------------------------------------------------- function S = Po...

12 years ago | 1

Poisson random number generator
I would like to thank Kang Wook Lee of Berkeley for pointing out an error in the code above. The last line should be |S(i) = k-1...

12 years ago | 1

Matlab gives wrong determinant value of 2x2 Matrix without warning.
@Nitin, The "issue" here is not round-off. It is the ill-condition of your matrix. Floating point arithmetic and its rounding...

12 years ago | 1

Matlab gives wrong determinant value of 2x2 Matrix without warning.
The products above are too big to fit in 32-bit integers. You can get the correct result by switching to 64-bit integers: ...

12 years ago | 0

Variation on the travelling salesman problem
@Walter, you're right, I mis-interpreted the problem. So back to the Zero-One LP solution. Given 2 3 1 A = ...

12 years ago | 0

Variation on the travelling salesman problem
It can be solved as a _Zero-One Linear Program_: Let |xij = 1| if the number |aij| is chosen for row |i|, zero otherwise. ...

12 years ago | 0

Inversion of a boolean matrix
*WRONG AGAIN* In testing Walter's suggestion about row and column sums I realized that |isInvBool2| is wrong. Try |B = [true...

12 years ago | 1

| accepted

Inversion of a boolean matrix
I am adding this crude |O(n^2)| invertibility test as a separate answer because my previous answer has become too long. %...

12 years ago | 0


Why are the BLAS functions in R2011b much faster than R2008a?
Here are the results of a simple Matrix Benchmark test with |n = 10^3; A = rand(n,n)| Dell Precision 690, 2x4-Core Xeon 354...

12 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Do you think that MATLAB is expensive?
The academic version of Matlab at about €500 is too expensive for me, a retired lecturer. Cleve Moler in his SIAM oral history i...

12 years ago | 4

Poisson random number generator
I prefer this: % ------------------------------------------------------------- function S = PoissonSamp(lambda,ns); ...

12 years ago | 1

Poisson random number generator
@Ahmed, you're correct, it is not correct. The function below is a Matlab translation of Kroese's algorithm. It seems to wor...

12 years ago | 0

Poisson random number generator
Dirk Kroese has excellent notes here: <>, which are based on his book: D.P. Kr...

12 years ago | 1

When to use the Secant Method of finding roots?
I would like to qualify what John says: "Methods like the secant method are rarely very good choices anyway." This is arguabl...

12 years ago | 1

randsample issues and generating random numbers from large populations
Here are two functions for taking a sample |S| of size |Ns| from a large, simply-defined population |P| of size |Np|. Both use ...

12 years ago | 1

Random sample without replacement
If you don't have access to *|R2011b|* and |randsample|, then the function below is reasonably fast on my |Dell Precision 690, ...

12 years ago | 1

Generate a Sequence in MATLAB
L1 = L(:)'

12 years ago | 0

Solve for x in (A^k)*x=b (sequentially, LU factorization)
Contrary to what Walter says, LU Decomposition is a great help in this problem. See my solution notes to Lab Exercise 6 --- LU...

12 years ago | 1

speed up finding common values in multiple matrices
Here are some tests on loopy alternatives to vectorized functions. %----------------------------------- function [z,A,...

13 years ago | 0

Finding Sequences of 1's values
Jan, I'm using the Add-an-Answer window because the comment window is hard to use for all but short, text-only replies. I post...

13 years ago | 0

Finding Sequences of 1's values
This is a more general and simpler solution than my previous answer. %-------------------------------------------------------...

13 years ago | 0

Finding Sequences of 1's values
If you don't have any toolboxes then this plain Matlab function may help. It is based loosely on the WordCount procedure in Kern...

13 years ago | 1

Inversion of a boolean matrix
*THEOREM*. _If a Boolean matrix B possesses a one-sided inverse, that inverse is also a two-sided inverse. Furthermore suc...

13 years ago | 4

[DEPRECATED] What frustrates you about MATLAB?
At Walter Roberson's request I'm reposting this answer here. *Boredom Forecast*: High(78/100). _Discussion of Syntax_. First,...

13 years ago | 1

Problem with execution of "nested if" commands.
*Boredom Forecast*: _Discussion of Syntax_. High: (78/100) First, get the preferred indentation by using "smart indent" in the...

13 years ago | 0

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