Stephen Jue
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How can I label the individual spokes in a Glyph plot?
Note that the 'varlabels' property uses the text in the cell array as variables when displaying data cursors. This does not effe...
7 years ago | 0
How to measure flexibility of an object using just video?
One measure of the flexibility of an object is <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stiffness stiffness> , which is applied force divi...
7 years ago | 0
extract white minerals from background
You may be able to achieve this by using Color-Based Segmentation. There are two examples that may help you get started: * <h...
7 years ago | 0
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Add gaussian noise to binary sequence
To add noise to a binary sequence, you can use awgn with a specified snr. You can put this in a for loop, varying the SNR from -...
7 years ago | 0
How do I define a neural network target matrix in this situation?
Hi, I believe your input data should be 200 x 100 and your target data should be 1 x 100. In general, the second dimension...
7 years ago | 0
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How to get the equation of a non parametric curve fit onto a data?
Hi, The Curve Fitting toolbox has several <https://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/nonparametric-fitting.html nonparametric f...
7 years ago | 0
Trying to create code that will add two matrices together regardless if they have different dimensions or not. The loop will run but it gives me no final summed matrix, saying the variable is undefined, does anyone know how to fix this?
Hi, Could you provide the entire function, or an example of how this code runs with two matrices? It is unclear what some of ...
7 years ago | 0
How to put 2 subplots as 1 subplot without merging their data?
If I understand correctly, you would like to create a 2 x 2 quadrant of subplots, where the 3rd (bottom left) subplot is split i...
7 years ago | 4
Problem with saveas function
Hi Andrea, If I understand correctly, you are using "saveas" on a figure handle to save an image. When you do this, the image...
7 years ago | 0
Intersection of two cells arrays of 256 by 256 by 3 matrices
I do not know of a way to directly find the intersection between two cells, but you can recast your two cells A and B as matrice...
7 years ago | 0
Segmenting layers/plies in a carbon-fiber composite micrograph (?)
If this does not make you lose too much information, one approach could be to apply a horizontal motion blur filter to the image...
7 years ago | 0
Matlab on El Capitan: .m files have blank icon
The icon cache for Mac OS X can be corrupted, leading to Finder not showing the proper icon for files. This is unknown if it is...
7 years ago | 1
Display Only Every Other Y Axis Label on Heatmap
There is currently no property of the "heatmap" object that allows users to directly change the labels. I work for MathWorks Tec...
7 years ago | 0
Extract first trading days of the month
What you can do instead is: days_3 = data((days-[100; days(1:end-1)])<0,4) This checks the difference between each succe...
7 years ago | 0
How can I create a matrix from the nodes-edges-graph?
You can create a design-structure matrix from a graph object by using the <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/graph.adjac...
7 years ago | 0
how to do richardsonlucy deconvolution of a 3d image
You can use the <https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/deconvlucy.html deconvlucy> function to perform Richardson–Lucy decon...
7 years ago | 0
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Calculating specific elements of a large symbolic matrix
Hi, One thing you can do to possibly speed up the computation is to only calculate the first three columns of the inverse (As...
8 years ago | 0
How to apply an interpolation between different 3d surfaces?
Hi, The <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/interp3.html interp3> may be what you are looking for. Note that the inputs...
8 years ago | 0
compare cells discriminating the order and empty cells
Hi, What you can do is filter out the empty cells from your arrays, then use the <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref...
8 years ago | 0
Implementing an abstract method using a function handle
You can achieve something similar to this using an abstract property rather than an abstract method. For example, suppose you ha...
8 years ago | 1
Arithmetic Coding and Decoding for image compression
If you have the Communications System Toolbox, the "arithenco" and "arithdeco" functions support arithmetic coding and decoding,...
8 years ago | 0
How do I use tooltip string in app designer
There is currently no way to add tooltips in App Designer. This is known to the developers and they are working to add this to a...
8 years ago | 1
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Recovery set of signals same sparsity
Your code looks good, but be careful with the construction of your signals. Since you do want each signal to have random numbers...
8 years ago | 1
Why does fnplt show different values than ppval calculates for pchip function?
The difference between these functions is that "fnzeros" first converts the input function into B-form ( <http://www.mathworks.c...
8 years ago | 1
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Recovery set of signals same sparsity
If I understand correctly, you would like to reconstruct a set of signals with the same length “n” and sparsity “k”, but with th...
8 years ago | 1
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Get the complete row with maximum column value grouped by other Column
If I understand correctly, you want to filter your table such that it only shows the rows with max values of "D" grouped by "A" ...
8 years ago | 0
Querying Google Earth max texture size
The maximum texture size of your graphics card can be queried in MATLAB by using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/o...
8 years ago | 0
Pointwise multiplication of 3d array with 2d matrix and 1d array and summation by vectorization
Hi Jeff, These operations all require multi-dimensional matrix multiplication, which is not a built-in feature of MATLAB. How...
8 years ago | 0
How to find 1 min of data with inclusion criteria
From what I understand, you want to identify 1-minute-long segments of your data which represents steady state. Are “RQ”, “VE”, ...
8 years ago | 0