
Augusto Mazzei

Last seen: 1 day ago Active since 2017

Followers: 3   Following: 0


Worked for Leonardo Aerospace and Ferrari F1 Racing. Check my clips on youtube for a wholesome smile! Don't be shy, ask me what you want :)

Programming Languages:
Python, C, Javascript, MATLAB, HTML, CSS
Spoken Languages:
English, Italian


  • MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack Participant
  • MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 Participant
  • Thankful Level 1
  • Likeable
  • Computational Geometry III Master
  • Computational Geometry II Master
  • Computational Geometry IV Master
  • Speed Demon
  • R2016b Feature Challenge Master
  • Creator
  • Word Puzzles Master
  • Strings III Master

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Palindrome Checker
Check to see if a given string is a palindrome (a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward). Output sh...

1 day ago


Perfect shuffle
We call "perfect shuffle" the process of cutting a deck of cards into two equal halves, and then perfectly interleaving them: on...

6 months ago


Array Width (no usage of size)
Find the array width. Size may not be used.

6 months ago


Alternate Arrangement
Determine the ways of arranging 'm' men and 'w' women alternatively in a row of 's' seats. Assumptions : s<m and s<w

6 months ago


Test Driven Solution - Probability Problem 2
*Problem:* Without any Cody cheats, write code that passes the test suite. *Hint:* The test suite gets samples from the proba...

8 months ago


Test Driven Solution - Probability Problem 1
*Problem:* Without any Cody cheats, write code that passes the test suite. *Hint:* The test suite gets samples from the proba...

8 months ago


Min-Max digit

8 months ago


List the Fermi-Dirac primes
The Fermi-Dirac “primes” are prime powers with exponents that are powers of 2. The first nine terms of the sequence are 2, 3, 4,...

8 months ago


Compute the largest number whose prime factors sum to n
This problem deals with a sequence whose tenth term is 36 because the prime factors of 36 (2, 2, 3, 3) sum to 10. The number 32 ...

8 months ago


Identify de Polignac numbers
The numbers 125 and 329 can be written as the sum of a prime and a power of 2. For example, , and . The numbers 127 and 331, whi...

8 months ago


Integrate a product of gamma functions
Write a function to compute the following integral: where and is the gamma function, the subject of Cody Problem 46025.

8 months ago


Expression or variable?
Test if arguments of the function are all variables (workspace variables names). Return 1 if yes, 0 if no. For example : ...

9 months ago


Count the unitary divisors of a number
Cody Problem 56738 asks for a list of the unitary divisors of a number. For this problem, write a function to count the unitary ...

9 months ago


Sum the unitary divisors of a number
Cody Problems 1933 and 46898 deal with , the sum of divisors function. This problem deals with , the sum of unitary divisors fun...

9 months ago


List unitary divisors of a number
A unitary divisor of a number divides and satisfies gcd(,) = 1. For example, 9 is a unitary divisor of 18 because gcd(9,2) = ...

9 months ago


That's some divisor you've got there...
Given a positive integer x, calculate the sum of all of the divisors of the number. Please include the number itself in your fi...

9 months ago


Set the Euler-Mascheroni constant with an identity using available MATLAB functions
Cody Problem < 42826> asked us to estimate the <https://en.wikipedia....

9 months ago


Compute a nested cube root
Consider the quantity . Write a function to compute without using loops or recursion.

9 months ago


Count block fountains
A block fountain consists of rows of circles in which each row is a continuous block of circles (i.e., adjacent circles are tang...

9 months ago


List the nth term of Rozhenko’s inventory sequence
Consider a sequence constructed by repeated inventories. A new inventory begins each time a zero is encountered. The first few i...

9 months ago


Find primes and integers that solve an equation
Write a function to find all primes and non-negative integers that solve the equation where is an integer. If there are no...

9 months ago


Compute the area of a Q
A figure resembling a Q (as in “quadrature”) is constructed in the following way: A right triangle is drawn with the left vertex...

9 months ago


Compute Khinchin's constant
Khinchin's constant K_0 = 2.684542001... (also written "Khintchine's constant") has the amazing property that it is the limiting...

9 months ago


Průměr z výběrového souboru
Napište funkci, která vrátí průměr z hodnot vektoru data. Např data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] je prumer = 5.

9 months ago


Digits eliminate
Complete the function my_f(n,b) to return, for a given integer, the number obtained by removing the digits '0' and 'b'. If there...

10 months ago


Range of Values in a Matrix
Create a function that accepts a matrix of real numbers as input and returns the range of the values contained in the matrix. Th...

10 months ago


Advanced matlab function autocompletion based on previous input
Hello Matlab community! first question for me: Short question: is there an easy/documented way (or is it gonna be implemented i...

11 months ago | 2 answers | 0




Tic-Tac-Logic - Solution Checker
< Tic-Tac-Logic> is a logic puzzle wherein a rectangula...

12 months ago


BLOCK x3 (Version 4)
Always in this series ( < 2451>, <http://www.mathwo...

1 year ago


BLOCK x3 (Version 3)
An extension to problems < 2451> (by me) and <http:...

1 year ago

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