
Elad Kivelevitch

Last seen: 20 days ago Active since 2018

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can somebody explain me the concept of assignment threshold for trackers (trackergnn, trackerJPDA, trackerTOMHT etc), like how can i use it to control the association?
Hello Sheikh Muhammad Hamayun, To understand how assignment works, let us first start with why it is needed. A multi-object t...

8 months ago | 0

People Tracking Using TI mmWave Radar Code Not Working
As with any example, you have to open it using the command openExample. You can use the top right button in the example html pag...

9 months ago | 0

In which tool box I can get theaterPlot scratch code
I think an important question is why do you need the code for theaterPlot. Can you explain your use case? Is there something t...

9 months ago | 0

How to incorporate PRF to fusionRadarSensor object
The fusionRadarSensor is a measurement-level or statistical-level sensor. As such, it does not simulate signals and does not hav...

12 months ago | 0

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The Question related to the "Detect and Track LEO Satellite Constellation with Ground Radars" and "FusionRadarSensor"
The refraction model is taken from reference [1] in this link:

12 months ago | 0

Should track and measurement be in the same frame or coordinates system and if not how will the assignment work?
You mention that your measurement function already knows how to handle different sensor models based on SensorIndex. So, the tra...

1 year ago | 0

The MCU RAM size requirement for Simulink Multi-Object Tracker module
David, It is possible to deploy trackers with less than 200K RAM, however the general answer to your question depends on how m...

1 year ago | 0

How can I use a modified measurement model or observation matrix H in trackingEKF?
Sounds like you should use a trackingEKF and create a measurement function that converts your (x,y) pixel measurements.

1 year ago | 0

How to decrease correction of kalman filter while traking cars on a road with their real positions at 1hz?
Hannes, I am not sure that I understand your use case and whether you're using the right tracking algorithms. A few questions: ...

1 year ago | 0

Is it possible to create terrain occlusion scenarios using trackingScenarioDesigner?
Hi Said, At the moment, the trackingScenarioDesigner app does not support importing terrain data. Elad

1 year ago | 0

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How to modify radar measurement noise and how to take into consideration radar measurement period uncertainty
Hi Said, For the noise, there are a few options: You can modify the ReferenceRange and ReferenceRCS. These two properties con...

1 year ago | 0

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What causes a continuity error while using metrics?
The trackAssignmentMetrics and trackErrorMetrics require you to report all the truths and tracks at every time you update them. ...

1 year ago | 0

How MeasurementNoise is calculated for detections generated by fusionRadarSensor?
The following topic page provides a more detailed explanation for some of the questions:

1 year ago | 0

Sensor fusion with Kalman filter
To answer your first question: Yes, the Kalman filter does not care if the measurements arrive from the same sensor, two sensors...

1 year ago | 2

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Is there a way or function to get alerts whenever a fusion is lost?
You are asking three different questions: How to generate an alert when a fused track is lost? Suppose the following function...

2 years ago | 0

How to fix altitude bias of fusionRadarSeneor detections?
Hi Stav, As they say in Hebrew: It's not a bug, it's a feature :-) The altitude bias is indeed caused by atmospheric refractio...

2 years ago | 1

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Initializing user-defined a-priori covariance for tracker objects (trackerTOMHT).
Hi Anthony, Thanks for the question. It's a very interesting and probably challenging problem for the TOMHT tracker. To answe...

2 years ago | 1

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How to update a tracker without any detection
Hi, Thanks for the question. A nonempty cell array of detections is only needed in the first call to the tracker in order to...

2 years ago | 0

How to use other filters than simple Kalman in Motion-Based Multiple Object Tracking Example
Hi Peter, Thanks for the question. The example that you refer to uses the vision.KalmanFilter object, which is a linear Kalma...

2 years ago | 1

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How does the TOMHT tracker account for multiple sensors?
Hi Joost, We do follow the approach that Blackman and Popoli suggest. Essentially, each detection carries its own SensorIndex...

2 years ago | 0

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How does the TOMHT handles the input of detectable branchID's?
Hi Joost, Happy to help. For your question: the way the trackerTOMHT uses the detectableBranchIDs is that it uses the probabil...

2 years ago | 0

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In target tracking and sensor fusion, is it possible to keep state vector in cartesian coordinates while keeping measurements in spherical coordinates?
Yes, it is possible. Based on your previous question, I am assuming you're using one of the available trackers (e.g., trackerGN...

2 years ago | 0

In trackerGNN, why is the costOfNonAssignment half of the Assignment Threshold?
Because the penalty for not assigning a detection to a track is applied twice - once for the unassigned detection and once for t...

2 years ago | 0

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Can't change MeasurementNoise value in trackingIMM filter
Hi, In all the tracking filters, the measurement size is non-tunable, because it is needed for code generation. If you want to...

3 years ago | 0

Where is the non-tunable property 'pStateSize' located in the TOMHT tracker?
Hi, I believe the error would be coming from matlabshared.tracking.internal.fusion.ObjectTrack. This is the internal object tra...

3 years ago | 0

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Is there a MATLAB solution for merging tracks that are the output of the TOMHT tracker?
Hi Joost, At this time, we have no such functionality. We have considered it in the past but have not had a strong use case or...

3 years ago | 1

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In the TOMHT tracker, what is exactly the difference between the parameters MaxNumHypotheses and MaxNumTrackBranches?
The main difference is that branches are hypotheses at the track level. They are formed based on the assignment results and main...

3 years ago | 0

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Is it possible to make MATLAB Coder generate C++ code with tunable parameters?
Joost, If you could please list which parameters you would like to make tunable, we can consider whether it would be possible ...

3 years ago | 0

Get associated measurement history for trackerGNN?
Yes. You can use [confirmedTracks, ~, ~, info] = tracker(detections, time); Then, in info, you can look for the field Assig...

3 years ago | 0

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In the TOMHT tracker, how do I change the state vector and add more filters?
The default state depends on the FilterInitializationFcn property, which is initcvekf. initcvekf initializes a constant velocity...

3 years ago | 1

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