

Last seen: Today Active since 2015

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Hi, I'm nobody. I don't belong here, but I have nothing better to do. Matlab used to be part of my work. Now it's part of my hobbies. That's pretty sad, really.


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How to count the amount of small squares in this picture?
The given answers have problems with accuracy. One way to help with discrimination is to do some sort of template matching. ...

1 day ago | 1

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How to randomly select the datapoints in a vector based on percentage for each group?
There has to be a smarter way than this, but I guess this is one idea. % some fake data x = randn(1000,1); % the percentile...

3 days ago | 0

Digital image processing.
It's not clear what is expected by rotating an image without changing its size or resolution. What does "size" mean in this con...

5 days ago | 0

Error in computing median filter and histogram equalization on an image. How can i solve it?
The image is a JPG, and most JPGs are RGB. fname = '

6 days ago | 0

How can we apply a gaussian noise to a image?
If you want to add Gaussian noise to an image, just use imnoise(). That way, there's no need to jump through extra hoops to deal...

6 days ago | 0

How do i zoom imhist?
I see two potential needs here. Scaling YLim and possibly scaling XLim Adjusting YLim: The most common is probably a need t...

8 days ago | 0

How to create axes in the center of an image and calculate angles between the points in an image?
There's no need to use manual transcription of a plot. Use the points that have already been found. Here is a hypothetical rec...

11 days ago | 0

Average distance between nearest neighbors of grain boundaries
Maybe a start, maybe not: % the image as a logical mask inpict = imread('unettestfile.png')>128; % if we're not going to fi...

12 days ago | 0

Why does imagesc show different outputs for the same input matrix?
The problem is the ydata spacing is not uniform between the two sets. Tools like image(), imagesc(), and imshow() don't use all...

16 days ago | 1

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Controlling colors in scatter plots
This is what I threw together, but there's probably a better way to do this; I haven't really used gscatter() for anything befo...

17 days ago | 0

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Big Tiff Grayscale image looks unsharp/ Grayvalue is not shown properly
It's hard to know without seeing the image. A TIFF can contain just about anything. It can be on an odd numeric scale. It can...

21 days ago | 0

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Are there MATLAB functions or scripts to perform boolean operations on triangulated solids?
If your solids can each be expressed as a manifold STL, then I don't see why you can't use external tools to do the job. I norm...

21 days ago | 0

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Finding contiguous regions of interest in a mask and calculating the mean values of those regions when the mask is applied to an array
You have a mask and a (assumed) grayscale image. Here are three ways: % a grayscale image and a logical mask of the same geome...

1 month ago | 1

Can I digitized color map into contour values according to it color bar?
No, not accurately. There are a number of problems. You can try anyway. Filled contour plots are ambiguous. The only parts...

1 month ago | 1

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capture focus change of a figure
This is based on the examples given in the comments. I've tested it in R2015b and R2019b, so I'm assuming it would have worked ...

1 month ago | 0

How to move figure window to front of all programs?
If you want the window to stay on top even if other windows are given focus, you can set that in the window manager. % you have...

1 month ago | 0

image edge detection result
There are some tools for creating DXF files ... but they're ...

1 month ago | 0

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How can the objects touching the boundary of the ROI polygon in an image be removed in Matlab?
You might want to use imclearborder(), but that's not what imclearborder() does. If you have logical masks, then: % say you ha...

2 months ago | 0

decoding of bitstream in image processing?
There are four possible transition states, but only three are (confusingly/incorrectly) described. Assuming the following: a 0...

2 months ago | 0

How to shade the intersection area between two overlay image?
JPG screenshots of the ambiguous superposition of working images are not working images. % the only given image is a screenshot...

2 months ago | 0

how to detect the haziness of the color image?
I wasn't going to post this, but I guess I will anyway. I went and grabbed a paper on a "haziness" metric. https://www.resea...

2 months ago | 1

Difference between manually-created gaussian filter and fspecial
I believe the original question was pasted incorrectly, since both examples appear to be identical (except a transpose). Neithe...

2 months ago | 0

text image in matlab without using getframe

2 months ago | 0

How to find the positions of pixels with 4 neighborhood in a binary pixel grid
I wouldn't bother with conditionally checking for out-of-bounds indexes in the loop. Simply pad the array and process it. Lett...

2 months ago | 1

Superimposing two imagesc graphs over each other.
It can be done, but unless your colormaps are very simple and non-intersecting, you can't expect to be able to visually (or even...

2 months ago | 0

Background segmentation for low contrast images
Let's start by doing what was asked. % read and prepare the image inpict = imread('image.png'); inpict = im2gray(inpict); ...

2 months ago | 0

What can I do to make the pattern in the legend larger?I look up a lot of ways, can't solve, ask for help.Thinks!
@Star Strider pretty much reviewed what I dug through. There were changes to legend() over the years. A lot of the workarounds...

2 months ago | 0

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Filters Main Function in Image Processing
At first I thought this was an issue of misusing uint8(), but no. This is just a collage of nonsense and dead code. Most of it...

2 months ago | 0

How to create a new image with average color of input image in the segmentation region?
There are several ways to approach this. I'm going to assume "color" implies that the image may either be RGB or grayscale. Co...

2 months ago | 0

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