
Mary Fenelon


Last seen: 3 years ago Active since 2016

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MATLAB Optimization Products Marketing Manager


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Energy management system for a grid connected CHP system with Renewable Energies and Battery Storage
This example may help:

3 years ago | 0

| accepted


Linear and Mixed-Integer Linear Programming in MATLAB
These files accompany the webinar.

4 years ago | 2 downloads |


"quadprog" is not supported by Matlab Coder, what can I use instead?
Code generation is supported for quadprog as of R2020a.

4 years ago | 0

How to deal with matlab functions that are unsupported when using Matlab Coder? (How can I transfer Matlab intrinsic function 'quadprog()' into C code using Matlab Coder?)
Code generation for quadprog is supported as of R2020a. Support for fmincon was added in R2019b.

4 years ago | 4

How can I use quadprog in Simulink?
Code generation support for quadprog was added in R2020a.

4 years ago | 1

Is it possible to do code generation with quadprog() ?
Code generation for quadprog is supported in R2020a, following on support for fmincon added in R2019b.

4 years ago | 0


Finding an Optimal Path
Solve the path planning problem of going through a vector field of wind in the least possible time using MATLAB and Optimization...

4 years ago | 10 downloads |


fmincon error for DOA estimation antenna array uncertainties
You are missing a placeholder empty arragy argument for beq in your call to fmincon.

5 years ago | 0

| accepted

Fitting system of ODEs to data - multistart?
This example should get you started. Information on how the solvers work can be found here. The setup is similar for both so you...

5 years ago | 0

| accepted

How can i limit the assets selected in a portfolio optimisation
Adding a constraint on the number of stocks (a cardinality constraint) requires you to use integer variables. There is an exampl...

5 years ago | 0

Double Summation expression in Objective Function
Was it a 1x3 OptimizationExpression or 1x2? In any case, you need to sum over both dimensions to get a single OptimizationEx...

6 years ago | 0

| accepted

Hi,I am using 'fmincon' for optimization. I found that it is using Interior point algorithm for this task. I want to summarise it's steps in a paper work. Can anyone help me out in it's flow chart or summary steps? kindly guide me.Thanks
The algorithm is described < h...

6 years ago | 0

MEX interface for IPOPT solver
Give |fmincon| in Optimization Toolbox a try using its default interior-point algorithm. If it converges, it will be to a local ...

6 years ago | 0

how do i code optimum problem using two matrix?
Your problem has a quadratic objective function. optimproblem in 18a only supports linear objectives. You can use the ga func...

6 years ago | 0

Generate a branch and bound tree
A tree is a graph so you could visualize it with MATLAB <

6 years ago | 0

How to use optimization variable in if condition and how to multiple an optimization variable with an optim. expression?
Multiplying two optimization variables results in a quadratic expression and these aren't allowed in a mixed-integer linear prog...

6 years ago | 3

How to use a decision variable from optimization problem into an if else statement?
The if-constraints (logical constraints, implication constraints) can be modeled with linear constraints and binary variables. ...

6 years ago | 2

| accepted

How do you model Fixed Charge Optmization in Matlab
Take a look at the < Optimal Dispatch> mo...

6 years ago | 0

| accepted

Where can I find the code and the SIMEVENTS model related to the video Optimizing Manufacturing Processes
Find the files for a similar problem in the SimEvents example <

7 years ago | 0

Is there a Hessian-free optimization algorithm?
If your functions are smooth, a gradient-based solver such as fmincon <

8 years ago | 2