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Vibration analysis/ vector sum/ phase
Let's say this is your data. A = [1 1 2 3; 2 2 4 -1; 3 0 1 5]; where the first column is the time, and t...
8 years ago | 0
How can I incorporate the "s" symbolic variable in multiplication?
Defining a symbolic variable |s| is different than the |s = jw| in your transfer function. I believe, if you write a transfer fu...
8 years ago | 0
"Function might be unused"
I don't see any problems, unless you defined the function inside your main script, and MATLAB doesn't allow that. hfg=930; ...
8 years ago | 0
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Equation with time dependent variable
p = -10:10; % range of values n = 2; % constant for j = 1:length(p) % We find y at each, p for t = 1:10 % time ...
8 years ago | 0
How can I find the mixed partial derivatives using Matlab?
syms x y f = (x^4)*sin(x*y); der = diff(f,x,y,y) der = - 6*x^5*sin(x*y) - x^6*y*cos(x*y)
8 years ago | 0
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I'm trying to make a for-end loop that outputs a complete table of the variables t and y.
Try this: for t=1:100 y(t)=1-exp(-t/50); end t = 1:100; A = [t' y']; T = array2table(A,... 'V...
8 years ago | 0
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Discrete state space find and plot
Well, the nice thing about discrete time system is you can solve the discrete time equation with a loop. clc; clear all;...
8 years ago | 1
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how to plot y=|x| function without using abs,
Well you have to find the regions where your values of |y| are positive and negative. Here is an example of |y = |x||. x...
8 years ago | 0
How to plot the step response of a state space representation using ODE45
Define your closed loop system in your function definition. Then set your input as |U = 1|, and use ode45 to get the response.
8 years ago | 0
how to compute inverse of interpn function
This is how you should approach the problem. Let's study the case when |V=5|. Let's say we generate 100 possible combination...
8 years ago | 0
Hi, Could I get Sample Output for these two programs? Asked before but hadn't quite labeled everything correctly, thank you.
Here you go again. 1. answer_1a = 1 answer_1b = 1.4820 answer_1c = ...
8 years ago | 0
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I have 4 arrays of 335 elements each, i want one array(resultant) whcih consists of first array element in first element and first array element of second array into second element of resultant array and first array element of third array into third
Like this? a=[1;2;3]; b=[4;5;6]; c=[7;8;9]; d = [a';b';c']; d = reshape(d, [9 1]); Output: d = ...
8 years ago | 0
Could Someone Provide the Sample Output for these Two Programs? I don't own MATLAB or if you know another way for me to get sample output.. thank you.
Here you go. 1. MATLAB Program answer_a = 1 answer_b = 1.4854 answer_c = ...
8 years ago | 0
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Find the Jacobian of a matrix
I don't think that would be called " < Jacobian matrix> " anymore. ...
8 years ago | 0
Matlab script that randomly selects a card from a deck of 52
What have you done so far? What you can do is first you define a cell array that contains each card of the deck. Then you ...
8 years ago | 0
problem with subs function
I don't see any problems. syms s k openloop = ((10*s + 14)*(s + 10))/((10*k*s + s*(s + 1)*(s + 10))*(s + 5)); feedfor...
8 years ago | 0
Is there a way to convert the PID controller to Lead, Lag, Lead-lag controller?
I will try my best to answer this question. It's been several years since I touched classical controls, so don't take my answer ...
8 years ago | 0
Problem with function. Can you help? Thanks.
I don't understand why there are several |if| statements with the same condition, e.g., if (nargin==2) counter =0; ...
8 years ago | 0
too many subplots- not visible output
One option is that on your figure, you can click on Export Setup, and on the Rendering section, choose the Resolution (dpi) as 6...
8 years ago | 0
Finding values of a response within range of a cue
Take a look at your |data| (which is the same as |intervals|). data = 81.436 735.18 272.1 14...
8 years ago | 0
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Matlab function to compare 2 numbers
Like this? compare = @(a,b) min(a,b); sprintf('The smallest number is %d',compare(2,3)) Or like this? function x...
8 years ago | 0
Rotating a line given the angle and a vector
Rotate it to respect to what? If you are simply rotating points in the XY Cartesian plane counter-clockwise through 123 degrees ...
8 years ago | 1
i am getting an error while executing a short code to update a matrix, In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same. Er
Not sure if this is what you are trying to do, but I am taking Torsten's approach. A=[0 1 1 1 ;0 0 0 1 ;0 1 0 1 ;0 0 0 0]; ...
8 years ago | 1
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Solving System ODE with ode45
With first look, in your function, there are many undefined variables, that are |X0|, |y0|, |z0|, and |Ap0|.
8 years ago | 0
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Error with if elseif statements
I suggest you to use |strcmp| GOAL=input('WHAT IS YOUR GOAL?(FIT=FITNESS, FB=FAT BURN, N=NEITHER):\n ','s'); if strcmp(G...
8 years ago | 0
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What am I doing wrong when using matlab and ros?
When you start ROS on your terminal using |roscore|, check out the section: ROS_MASTER_URI=http://XXXX:11311/ where |XXXX...
8 years ago | 0
How can i cut the element in matrix?
a=[110000111]; b=str2double(regexp(num2str(a),'\d','match')) count = 1; for i = 1:3 result(i) = str2num(strcat...
8 years ago | 0
loop and if conditions for calculating average
First of all, you are missing |end| to your |for| loop. Also, you don't need |break| in your if statement. Fixing those two, ...
8 years ago | 0
Mathematical calculations on input equation
What do you mean by function? Is it simply asking for a numerical input? If so, f=input('enter input num\n')
8 years ago | 0
Index exceeds matrix dimensions while using a for loop
You defined your variable |r| as: n=10000 r = randi([0 9],n,1); So now, your |r| is |10000x1 double|. Then you d...
8 years ago | 0
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