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How do I connect between the Simscape Specialized Power System blocks to simulink blocks?
Hi @Varun, You can directly connect Simscape Specialized Power System blocks with Simulink blocks, without the need of any conv...
20 days ago | 0
one multiplot figure instead of many partially filled figures
Hi @Elzbieta The behavior you are facing is because you are saving figure (using 'saveas') inside the loop. Each 'saveas' call ...
21 days ago | 0
simulation of the target
Hello @bouchra turki To achieve a seamless transition between the 'rectangular' and 'circular' sections of your plot, consider ...
21 days ago | 0
I have a txt. file used in a function. I need a variable in the txt. file to cycle through different values (for loop), and the function needs to run for each value.
Hi @Cornelia, You can read and evaluate the text file, without modifying/cleating a new text file with the following approach. ...
22 days ago | 1
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webwrite returns status 405 "Method not Allowed"
Hi @Lane Bekow, I assume that you would like to get the X-Ray properties of the different elements from
23 days ago | 0
How to test a function containing "waitfor" function without external user input?
Hi, Starting from MATLAB R2024b, you can programmatically interact with alert and confirmation dialog boxes using 'chooseDialog...
23 days ago | 2
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webwrite returns error 405, how to find its detailed cause?
Hi @Sven Larsen To access GraphQL data from the server using 'gzip' encoding, please consider the following adjustments to your...
24 days ago | 0
How to write a function.
Hi @Peyton, This seems like a homework question, so I will give you a headstart, from which you can pick up. Learn how to write ...
25 days ago | 0
Can anybody tell me why my windrose program doesn't plot the right graph and the cardinal directions change back to degress after selecting a date?
Hi @Markus The issue occurs because the polar axes settings are not being maintained after plotting new data. When plotting new...
25 days ago | 0
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how can i download a model exsample from matlab
Hi @Zeko Zain, To copy an example and supporting files onto your system and open the example in MATLAB, click the 'Copy Command...
25 days ago | 1
Controlling aspect ratio for tiled layout
Hi @AR, To get equal heights among all the three subplots you can follow the blow approach: % Create figure with fixed size i...
26 days ago | 0
Document Browser can't be opened
Hi @Xin Tan I suggest the following steps as a workaround to view the documentation page: Clear the cookies and site data for ...
26 days ago | 0
how to extract a list of unique words from a set of one row strings
Hi @Harrison, I am assuming the following: 'updatedDocuments' is an array of 'tokenizedDocument' Each document contains text...
27 days ago | 0
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How to append data into an Excel File when writing data in a loop.?
Hi The 'xlswrite' function is not recommended starting from MATLAB R2019a. To write a column vector into an Excel file, you can...
28 days ago | 1
Is there any autosave option for tests results in test manager?
Hi @Iñaki Eizaguirre, Starting from MATLAB R2024b, you can view test and coverage results for the five most recent previous run...
29 days ago | 0
How to programmatically modify parameters in the workspace
Hi, Here's how you can programmatically modify the Simulink Model Workspace: my_model = 'HevP2OptimalController'; load_system...
29 days ago | 0
Find closest values from two different matrices
Hi, If XY data lies in different coordinate system (say Cartesian coordinate system), then, finding the "closest point" betwee...
29 days ago | 0
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My structures are not displaying in the variables viewer
Hi @Paul de Krom, The error you are experiencing appears to be due to some corruption in the MATLAB preferences when the MATLAB...
1 month ago | 0
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UItabgroup does not save position within UIfigure using saveas or savefig
Hello @Bennett The problem you're experiencing with saving figures appears to be resolved in Update 6 of MATLAB R2022a. I recom...
1 month ago | 0
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Graphics Incompatibilities in Control System Toolbox between R2024a and R2024b
Hi, As you can notice, while running in MATLAB R2024b, the `findobj` function returns only six lines: three with the tag `BodeM...
3 months ago | 0
how to display (3000x4000x4) matrix as image in matlab
Hi, To display a 3000x4000x4 matrix as an image in MATLAB, it is essential to understand the representation of the four channe...
3 months ago | 2
Zoomable plots in HTML reports
Hi, As of R2024a, MATLAB does not have a built-in function that exports a figure which contains interactive features to HTML. I...
3 months ago | 0
gplotmatrix compatability with tiledlayout
Hi Adam, The issue you are encountering is because figure created using the ‘tiledlayout’ gets overwritten when you plot using ...
3 months ago | 1
is it possible to customize writeStruct for a data type?
Hello, Currently, the 'writestruct' function does not provide built-in customization for formatting complex numbers in XML. How...
3 months ago | 0
Is there a faster way to save plots (Figures) to a Report than GetSnapshotImage?
Hello, To address the performance issues you're encountering, let's first identify which part of your code is consuming the mos...
3 months ago | 0
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Report Generator figures: List of figures not working
Hello, It seems you are trying to use the 'Caption' property with the ‘mlreportgen.dom.Image’ class, which doesn't support this...
3 months ago | 0
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save with "'-append" on table increase file size without modification of the variable
Hello, The behaviour you are encountering is a known issue. When saving certain MATLAB data types—like tabular classes, string...
3 months ago | 0
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Extracting Frames From A Video In Matlab
Hello, I've executed your code using the source video available at
3 months ago | 0
Is there a way to stop raytracing with parallel Toolbox from ignoring Buildings
Hello Marcel, As you mentioned the problem is with the parallel workers not being able to access the building information from...
4 months ago | 2
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I am not able to load in my files when using the lidar labeler app
Hello Dawiya, After seeing the steps you have performed, it seems there might have been some confusion between selecting a fol...
4 months ago | 0
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