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How to Overwrite Data
Here you go.. A = [1; 5; 7; 9; 4; 6; 8; 2; 3]; B = [4 0; 5 6; 8 0; 7 5; 0 8; 4 9; 5 6; 0 1; 2 8]; C = B; for i = 1:length(...
5 years ago | 0
split columns and save seperate .mat files
clc; clear all; % Loading your .mat file (replace data.mat with your .mat fileName) load('data.mat'); % capturing workpa...
5 years ago | 1
read in the .csv file with ddMMyyyy HHmm data
Hello Yue, Here I have converted the input data to string format and then splitted it to DDMMYYY and HHMM and created output ...
5 years ago | 0
How to reset default values by button press in GUI?
Hello Nimra, Open your .m file and go to callback of pushbutton 'ResetAll' then mention the following commands.. set(handles....
5 years ago | 0
Call existent gui as a new project
Hello Fayez, Here I have created Test GUI for you.. run attached 'TestingTool.m' file.. it will open gui... You can enter t...
5 years ago | 1
How to change the value of variables in base workspace within a function?
Yes, When you use function then it has its own workspace. Here you can use following command to assign or to execute the variab...
5 years ago | 1
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Write Matlab data to an Excel sheet
try to expand the given rang like.. 'A1:Z500' use writetable(T,filename,'Sheet',1); OR writetable(T,filename,'Sheet',1, 'Ra...
5 years ago | 0
sorting unique date by time.
Hello Haolun, here is the logic.. % Assumming input Data be like this.. % first column is 'ID', second Column is 'date', thi...
5 years ago | 0
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find mask model in Simulink
Hello Shengchang, You can use one of following command in your code... (Open your model and run this command and see the resu...
5 years ago | 1
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¿how can I show a matrix of type -cell- in a msgbox?
Hello Pedro Guevara I understood your problem, but I dont know the axact value of matrix 'Yp_c' because it is not properly visi...
5 years ago | 0
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How to split a cell array by format (into columns) using fileread command
Try with this command Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', '') Here.. "Data" will be the new cell variable, whi...
8 years ago | 0
How can I extract line numbers of text data?
Data = textread('portion.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); LineIndex = {}; count = 1; for i=1:length(Data) if ~isempty(...
8 years ago | 1
extract useful info from text file filled with irrelevant info
use this command.. Data = textread('FileName.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); then apply the logic (FOR and IF loop) accordi...
8 years ago | 0
How can I import a text file which includes a mix of string and numbers without losing the information if a variable is a strings or a number?
@Guido: For me the command *textScan* is not working, I guess because of some license issue.. So I trying another method as f...
8 years ago | 0
Is there a way to get a signals properties in Matlab?
It looks like you want to access the datatype of signals added into your BaseWorkSpace. Lets consider if signal "a", "b", "c"...
8 years ago | 0
Import from data from messy text file
Here is that can help you.. Data = textread('SAMPLE_DATA.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); count=1; newData = {}; for i=1:...
8 years ago | 1
Actxserver unable to locate Excel workbook
Try replacing the line and check.. xlb = xl.Workbooks.Open(file_name); with xlb = xl.Workbooks.Open('fullpath\file_n...
8 years ago | 0
At every nth line read n lines together
Hello Shivik, Here is the Logic.. let us consider you have abc.txt file which is having these data.. So apply following lo...
8 years ago | 0
Reading particular column numbers in Matlab
*You can do this..* Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); Make sure that the abc.txt file is present in curr...
8 years ago | 1
Import button in GUIDE for GUI
Yes, You can type "guide" into MATLAB Command window. Once open, click on tab "Open Existing GUI" It will ask you to selec...
8 years ago | 0
How can i create multiple choice questions GUI using Guide ?
Hello Prashanth, Check the attached scripts.. Run the Test.m file and see the results.. Go through the logic added into...
8 years ago | 1
Getting handle of static textbox in MATLAB .
static textbox have the handle name as handle.text, handle.text1, handle.text2 etc.. so first you need to check what is the n...
8 years ago | 0
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I want to make date on output excel file.
dateArray = xlsread('filename.xlxs','Sheet','A1:A100');
8 years ago | 0
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Convert Cells with space entry to an empty cell
Hello Caroline, I dont know the direct command similar of what you used. like.. cellNaNReplace() But I am sure, following ...
8 years ago | 0
unable to load .txt file. it shows the following error
You can do this.. Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', '') Make sure that the abc.txt file is present in current...
8 years ago | 1
Output my cell array or table to a .txt file and preserve the original row and column orientation
Hello M275, for your mentioned C (10x7) string matrix, your code for writing the data into txt file is correct except line...
8 years ago | 0
I have in my workspace two variables with different length how can I make them have same length in order to plot them in a graph ?
Hello Manny Ram, Let us consider Varibale *A* is having size of *16x30000* and *B* is having size of *9x1200* You can do t...
8 years ago | 0
How to filter and delete text from a .m file?
Hi Rodriguez, To read your A.m file, you can use this.. Data = textread('A.m', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); All data of fil...
8 years ago | 0
Sum of array items into another array
for i=1:length(fields(data)) s(i) = sum(eval(['data.speed',num2str(i)])); end
8 years ago | 0