
Pravarthana P


Last seen: 13 days ago Active since 2022

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I am an EDG Engineer at MathWorks. DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinions here are my own, and in no way reflect that of MathWorks

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  • 3 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Error in training data sequence length. How to rectify this?
Hi, This error occurs when the input value to ‘sequenceInputLayer’ is different from the ‘numFeatures’ in ‘XTrain’ data. Chang...

1 year ago | 0

Error with Simulink Simulating
Hi Adrian, These errors can occur due to the following reasons: When the Consistency Tolerance parameter in the Solver Configu...

1 year ago | 0

How to generate SAML service provider xml for MATLAB online server?
Hi, MATLAB Online Server supports different User authentication methods, which includes SAML from R2020b. This information can ...

1 year ago | 0

Simulink embedded coder error
Hi Hara Chi, You are trying to use serial HOST blocks. These are meant to work only on your host computer in simulation mode tr...

1 year ago | 0

Targeting specific samples and extracting the data from the that signal
I understand that you are trying to find the “Rate of Change of Signal” using a Simulink block, the following workaround may hel...

2 years ago | 0

matlab runtime mwarray assembly failed to be initialized after running my application for multiple days
I understand that you are facing issue with C# application which is running for a long time.The following suggestions might help...

2 years ago | 0

Targeting specific samples and extracting the data from the that signal
I understand you are trying to extract the data from Simulink signal, the following workaround may help you to perform the desir...

2 years ago | 0

Hi I need to write a code to plot the magnitude spectra of the following signals using MATLAB fft() function and relate the spectral lines with the constituent frequencies.
Hi Yafiet Solomon, I understand that you are trying to plot the Magnitude spectra of the signals against their corresponding fr...

2 years ago | 0

Unable to export Simulink model to FMU (lcclnk64 not recognized)
Hi Cynthia Wang, I understand that you are unable to export Simulink model to FMU because of the error ‘lcclnk64’ is not recogn...

2 years ago | 0

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How to add link from line to a Goto block using command
Hi Varun Nayyar, I understand you are trying to add a signal line between two blocks, to Goto block programmatically. The sign...

2 years ago | 0

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visade, not able to use instrument driver
Hi Maurizio Mastrofini, The ‘visadev’ object with icdevice is not currently supported in MATLAB R2022a. There are two possi...

2 years ago | 0

How to solve Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0": java.lang.NumberFormatException when opening structs
Hi Maryse Thomas, I tried replicating the issue and I am unable to reproduce it at my end. To resolve the exception the fol...

2 years ago | 0

Hello. I got Pop up message while opening simulink from matlab i.e Failed to load bundle #700: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\2022\R2022b\bin\win64\libwsimulink.dII
Hi Ashish Giri, The failure to load bundle binary can be resolved by the following workaround : Clean re-installation of MATL...

2 years ago | 0

pcshow permanently changes figure window?
Hi John Enright, The functionality of ‘clf’ command is to clear the contents of the figure window. For more information the fo...

2 years ago | 0

Bluetooth scanning error in Windows 11
Hi Ritam Basu, I understand that you are unable to find the reported bugs through the link provided earlier, here is the bug re...

2 years ago | 0

Bluetooth scanning error in Windows 11
Hi Ritham Basu, This is a known issue which has been reported. You can follow the Bug Report link to get updates on the issue...

2 years ago | 0

use boxplot to show distribution of values for a range of response variables
Hi Poison Idea fan, I understand that you are trying to box plot series of data in y-axis against time data in x-axis. The...

2 years ago | 1

Bluetooth scanning error in Windows 11
Hi Ritam Basu, I understand that you are facing an issue while using BLE receive block to receive data in Simulink. The error...

2 years ago | 0

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Creating multiple colorbars on y axis one under the other, on the same graph and on the same x-axis
Hi Engin Tarhan, I understand that you are facing an issue while plotting multiple data sets on y-axis against same x-axis in t...

2 years ago | 0

Why doesnt chol work for hermitian positive semi-definite matrix?
Hi Nikil Challa, I understand that you are trying to perform factorization using “chol” function and are facing an issue with p...

2 years ago | 1

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I have 's' domain terms in matlab function block, used in simulink. How to use it?
Hi Shubham Mandve, I understand that you are facing an issue while using MATLAB function block in Simulink. It can be due to us...

2 years ago | 0

MATLAB installer doesnt launch (Arch)
Hi Andre Marques, I understand you are facing an issue while installing MATLAB R2022b on Arch Linux. MATLAB R2022b is compati...

2 years ago | 0

Can't calculate mean of dataset (single column), "[F]irst argument must be numeric or logical"
Hi Austin Davis, I understand that you are facing an issue while calculating the mean of a given dataset in ‘string’ datatype. ...

2 years ago | 0

Vector to Bus conversion
Hi Shiv NileshKumar Matliwala, I understand that you are trying to convert a vector to bus signal in your Simulink model. A p...

2 years ago | 0

Logitech G29 Steering Wheel block in Simulink
Hi Goncalo Torres, I understand you are trying to read the data from Logitech G29 using the Logitech G29 steering wheel block i...

2 years ago | 0

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"No rule to make target" error
Hi Vinay K G, I understand that you are facing the error “No rule to make target” error while building the project in the other...

2 years ago | 0

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Get Simulink Block Object
Hi Timo Dietz, I can understand that you are trying to get the objects of blocks used in Simulink through “handle” function. Fr...

2 years ago | 0

TI C2000 Picolo F28035 Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_comm'
Hi Husnu Ozenci, I can understand you are facing “Failed to connect target” error while executing the external mode MEX-file. Y...

2 years ago | 0

How to plot scope on Simulink and read from datas for frequency?
Hi Esin Derin, I understand you are trying to analyze the properties of scope such as maximum amplitude, distance between two p...

2 years ago | 0

why after applying imadjust it gives me a white picture?
Hi Donya Khaledyan, I can understand that you are trying to improve the contrast of an image using the function “imadjust” whic...

2 years ago | 2

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