Invalid ReqIF file. Error details: Type 'reqifxhtml:div' has not been found in the registry.
Problem resolved by replacing: xmlns:reqif-xhtml="" with: xmlns:reqif-xhtml...

11 months ago | 0

Is there a way to recreate/replace links from Simulink models to requirement in DOORS with links to requirements in Polarion programmatically?
Hi @Isaac, The Polarion Connector is a third party tool created for integrating between Polarion and Requirements Toolbox for m...

11 months ago | 0

Link between two components exists in system composer, but cannot be traced in sequence diagrams
Hi @Loic, Can you please try pressing the "Check Consistency" button in the toolstrip and then the "Repair" button and let us k...

11 months ago | 0

Is it possible to connect Simulink Electrical components to the ports of Component in System Composer?
Hi @Sai Sanjay, Yes, you can absolutely use physical signals and buses in System Composer. Simscape signals are not allowed to ...

11 months ago | 0

Add Adapter programatically to system composer model
Hi @Andreas, There is no API for creating adapters but you can create a component that performs the same actions using the Sour...

11 months ago | 0

Requirements toolbox : links (type : related) do not appear when exporting to Excel, using ReqXLSExport method
Hi @Loic, I think you are looking for "Relate" <links-in:Relate>. Let us know if you have any other issues. You can find the...

12 months ago | 1

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Export traceability matrix into variable
Hi @Niranjan Joshi, I was able to confirm the behavior you are seeing and entered it as a bug. Thanks for letting us know! As f...

12 months ago | 0

How to use a scheduler in System Composer?
Hi @Amine, To use the schedule editor, first, ensure that your architecture model was created using the "Software Architecture ...

1 year ago | 0

TI micro controller like hardware are supported for matlab simulation using code composer studio and also can we develop library using firmware data?
Hi @Rakesh, Code Composer Studio is a third party tool. I recommend you reach out to TI directly for support: https://support....

1 year ago | 0

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How do you resize (shrink) the base model or canvas in System Composer?
Hi @Gergely, To fit the canvas to the architecture model, press the space bar twice. Hope this helps, Josh

1 year ago | 0

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Signal merging : adapters do not show up in architecture views
Hi @Loic, I am assuming that you are filtering on an applied stereotype and that is making your adapters disappear. One way to ...

1 year ago | 0

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Linear analysis not found
Hi @NITHIN PRANESH, I see that you posted this in the System Composer category so I am assuming you are referring to analysis o...

1 year ago | 0

Cycle through components according to stereotype
Hi @Loic, System Composer has a query feature that is optimized for these kinds of search tasks. The API list for the query lan...

1 year ago | 1

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How can I know which file identifiers correspond to open files?
Also, if you want to avoid this, you can now use a cleanup object to close the file when the function is done (error or normal) ...

1 year ago | 0

Cancelling a variation on a system composer component
Hi @Loic, Right-click the variant choice that you want to keep and choose "cut", navigate back to the composition, then right-c...

1 year ago | 1

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what is the difference between simulink architecture model and software architecture model
Hi @Xiaohong shen, That is a great question! System Composer's standard Architecture Template is geared toward generic architec...

1 year ago | 0

Code generation with a System Composer model
Hi @antonio-deepware, Do either of these options solve your problem? Option 1: Include the software architecture as a refere...

1 year ago | 0

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How to export Stereotype Attributes as ReqIF within the Requirements Editor?
Hi @Julia, No, there is not currently an option to export stereotype properties via ReqIF (as of R2023a) but I put it in as an ...

1 year ago | 0

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Trying to update link destination manually for link from Simulink to DOORS returns "Invalid destination is given" message
Hi @Andrew Stern, We are happy to help you work through this issue. Please reach out to our tech support so that we can take a ...

1 year ago | 0

Matching Requirements Id and Simulink Subsystem Names
mdl = load_system('MyModelName') blk = getSimulinkBlockHandle('MyModelName/Path/To/Named/Subsystem') reqIDs = [slreq.outLinks(...

1 year ago | 0

How to move a component in the system composer model hierarchy?
Hi @will, Cut-and-paste is an acceptable way of moving components in System Composer and should preserve ports, interfaces, ste...

1 year ago | 1

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How to generate architecture models from allocation view
Hi @Robin, There is not currently a native feature to support this but we have heard this request from a few customers and have...

1 year ago | 0

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How Can I edit interface Mappings in "Interface Adapter"?
Hi @영섭 손, The adapter is the correct way to map multiple interfaces to a composite interface. In R2021b, create your interfaces...

1 year ago | 1

How to import proto file (.proto) as interface in system composer?
Hi @维招, Please contact us directly for additional support on this either through the support website or through your MathWorks ...

1 year ago | 0

How to access Simulink System Composer
Hi John, Yes, System Composer is a separate toolbox that needs to be installed and can be found in the MATLAB Add-On Explorer. ...

1 year ago | 0

Change component size in system composer
Hi Aidin, You can use System Composer native APIs for this to interact with your architecture model in an object-oriented manne...

1 year ago | 1

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Flatten system composer view, see level 1 and 2 components together
Hey Will, Views is definitely the best way to visualize your architecture in a flattened manner. In R2022b, you can select a po...

1 year ago | 1

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No horizontal scrollbar on on UITable in App Designer
Hi, This is a known issue in R2022b. The suggested workaround for now is to reset the row names after adding data to your table...

1 year ago | 2

How do I use Sequence Diagrams in System Composer?
Hi Ludwig, Sequence Diagrams were first introduced in R2021a so you will need to upgrade to take advantage of them. Execution s...

1 year ago | 0

ERROR-XMC-2029: Unspecified platform file. Please enter a valid platform file (.xpfm).
Hi Mahmut, Vitis Model Composer is a 3rd party product. I recommend that you reach out to them directly for support. https://w...

1 year ago | 0

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