Model Composer 2021a error : Error using matlab.internal.cef.webwindow (line 379)
Hi Mayukh, Xilinx Model Composer is a third party tool. I recommend reaching out to them directly:

1 year ago | 0

System Composer: how to create input/output port in system architecture model?
Hi Gadi, The recommended method in System Composer would be to create in/out pairs of ports by name so you would have, for exam...

1 year ago | 0

How to access architecture parameter from inside simulink model
Hi @Paul, Let me know if this answers your question for you:

1 year ago | 0

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Error occurred when exporting Architecture model in system composer
Hi jincheol Lim, It looks like you are passing a cell array to the systemcomposer.exportModel API. Please make sure that you ar...

2 years ago | 0

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How to copy Architectural Views
Hi Bryce! System Composer now supports exporting images of Views and report generation as of R2022b. To export a view to PDF,...

2 years ago | 0

Having created a model of a system in System Composer, is there a way to view a list of all of the connectors in the model?
Hi Peter, Can you try systemcomposer.exportModel('MyModelName') and let me know if that gets you what you need? Regards, Jo...

2 years ago | 0

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Inconsistent definitions (storage class export/import) error for a signal that is output of a referenced model which is used as input by another
Hi @Yugandhara Joshi, This is a great question! This highlights the importance of data management when integrating large archit...

2 years ago | 1

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Xilinx Simulink model run gets stuck in initialization under Model_Composer 2021.2 and MATLAB R2020b
Hi Lili, Xilinx Model Composer is not a Mathworks product. I recommend reaching out directly to Xilinx for troubleshooting suppo...

2 years ago | 0

Is it possible to add/edit ports after adding Simulink behavior to an architecture component?
Hey there, After converting the component to a reference component, the newly created reference model becomes your single sourc...

2 years ago | 1

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How to disable automatic port adjusting in System Composer?
Hey there, Port spacing is not manually adjustable in System Composer but there are workarounds like putting one component int...

2 years ago | 0

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How do I propagate bussed signals from multiple System Composer sending Component blocks to a single port of a receiving Component block.
Hey there, This functionality is now possible in R2021b with the introduction of Owned Interfaces in System Composer. You can u...

2 years ago | 0

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system composer architecture view
Hey there, Component sizes in views are not editable prior to R2022b but if you print from System Composer's Simulation tab, al...

2 years ago | 0

Finding and accessing nested objects for export in System Composer Toolbox
Hi there, Hope you were able to figure out a solution that worked for you but if not, I think the find API with the AnyComponen...

2 years ago | 0

Use of interface stereotype data in Simulink simulations
Hi Sami, You are correct, there is currently not native support in Simulink for accessing stereotype data. As a workaround, you...

3 years ago | 0

Adding Enumeration to Interface Editor (2020B)
Hi Jibu, Make sure that you have a valid Simulink enumeration type on your MATLAB path.

3 years ago | 2

How to create a bus communication with System Composer ?
Hi Frédéric, To go from one output to many inputs, you can branch the signal by right-clicking the connector and dragging to th...

3 years ago | 2

How to get string value from instances ?
Hi Frédéric! The System Composer Analysis function does not currently support string methods. A workaround is to operate on the...

3 years ago | 0

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Goto and From in System Composer
The Goto and From tags are not supported for connections within an Architecture in System Composer. To avoid clutter, try taking...

3 years ago | 0

System composser - can't save dictionary
The data dictionary must be saved on the MATLAB search path. You can find more information here:

3 years ago | 0

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