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Why are predicted outputs different between Simulink and Matlab?
Your network is a 1D CNN over the sequence. Simulink executes this network 1 time step at a time. To compare: x = dlarray(rand(...
10 months ago | 0
This network does not have any layers with state parameters. The learnable parameters are in the netG.Learnables and netD.Learna...
10 months ago | 0
Design of a neural network with custom loss
The term is minimized if , which is a linear problem as you've stated, so you can actually use classic methods to solve this fo...
10 months ago | 0
I can't understand the generator network of the Train Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) example
The documentation for transposedConv2dLayer states in the Algorithms section that the input is padded with zeros up to "filter e...
10 months ago | 0
How to combine multiple net in LSTM
You can combine 3 separate LSTM-s into one network by adding them to a dlnetwork object and hooking up the outputs. Note that if...
10 months ago | 2
A saved GAN trained model for image generation does not generate the same accurate images when GPU is reset
I believe this is due to a bug in the R2022b version of the custom projectAndReshapeLayer attached to the example. In particular...
10 months ago | 2
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1D-CNN not sequence input
The convolution1dLayer only supports convolutions over "sequence dimension" or a single "spatial dimension". If you want to pe...
10 months ago | 0
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dlgradient of a subset of variables
This is a subtle part of the dlarray autodiff system, the line dlgradient(y,x(i)) returns 0 because it sees the operation x -> x...
12 months ago | 2
I am modeling Hybrid model for load forecasting. I have ran the HW and FOA part but when I merge LSTM then I am getting error of "TrainNetwork"
When you have multiple time-series observations you need to put the data into cell arrays. This is because each time-series can ...
1 year ago | 0
Matlab code of Neural delay differential equation NDDE
I notice that the model function uses dde23. Unfortunately dde23 is not supported by dlarray and so you can't use this with auto...
1 year ago | 0
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dlarray/dlgradient Value to differentiate is non-scalar. It must be a traced real dlarray scalar.
Your loss in modelLoss has a non-scalar T dimension since the model outputs sequences. You need to compute a scalar loss to use ...
1 year ago | 0
Is LSTM and fully connected networks changing channels or neurons?
We use "channels" or C to refer to the feature dimension - in the case of LSTM, BiLSTM, GRU I think of the operation as a loop o...
1 year ago | 0
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Different network architectures between downloaded and script-created networks - Tutorial: 3-D Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Deep Learning
Do you mean the order as described by lgraph.Layers? I can see that. The order of lgraph.Layers is independent of the order the...
1 year ago | 1
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Is there any documentation on how to build a transformer encoder from scratch in matlab?
You can use selfAttentionLayer to build the encoder from layers. The general structure of the intermediate encoder blocks is li...
1 year ago | 11
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Physical Informed Neural Network - Identify coefficient of loss function
Yes this is possible, you can make the coefficient into a dlarray and train it alongside the dlnetwork or other dlarray-s as in...
1 year ago | 0
Error in LSTM layer architecture
It looks like the issue is the data you pass to trainNetwork. When you swap the 2nd lstmLayer to have OutputMode="last" then the...
1 year ago | 0
need help to convert to a dlnetwork
The workflow for dlnetwork and trainnet would be something like the following: image = randi(255,[3,3,4]); % create network ...
1 year ago | 0
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LSTM Layer input size.
For sequenceInputLayer you don't need to specify the sequence length as a feature. So you would just need numFeatures = 5. For ...
1 year ago | 0
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Train VAE for RGB image generation
The error is stating that the VAE outputs Y and the training images T are different sizes when you try to compute the mean-squar...
1 year ago | 0
How to use "imageInputLayer" instead of "sequenceInputLayer"?
Your imageInputLayer([12,1]) is specifying that your input data is "images" with height 12, width 1 and 1 channel/feature. I ex...
1 year ago | 0
How to create Custom Regression Output Layer with multiple inputs for training sequence-to-sequence LSTM model?
Unfortunately it's not possible to define a custom multi-input loss layer. The possible options are: If Y, X1 and X2 have comp...
1 year ago | 0
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Error for dlarray format, but why?
This error appears to be thrown if the inputWeights have the wrong size, e.g. you can take this example code from help lstm num...
1 year ago | 0
Where can I find the detailed structure of the autoencoder network variable "net" obtained by the trainautoencoder function? The network structure diagram provided by the "vie
You can view the network by calling the network function: % Set up toy data and autoencoder t = linspace(0,2*pi,10).'; phi =...
1 year ago | 0
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Trouble adding input signals in Neural ODE training
Hi, What data do you have for your input signal ? If you can write a function for , e.g. , then the @(t,x,p) odeModel(t,x,p,u)...
2 years ago | 0
How to prepare the training data for neural net with concatenationLayer, which accepts the combination of sequence inputs and normal inputs?
You are right that to use trainNetwork with a network that has multiple inputs you will need to use a datastore. There is docume...
2 years ago | 0
Potential data dimension mismatch in lstm layer with output mode as 'sequence'?
The LSTM and Fully Connected Layer use the same weights and biases for all of the sequence elements. The LSTM works by using it'...
2 years ago | 0
Predict function returns concatenation error for a two-input Deep Neural Network
The "Format" functionLayer is re-labelling the input as "CSSB", and the inputs are "CB", so it's going to make the batch dimensi...
2 years ago | 1
Why doesn't concatLayer in Deep Learning Toolbox concatenate the 'T' dimension?
You can create a layer that concatenates on the T dimension with functionLayer sequenceCatLayer = functionLayer(@(x,y) cat(3,x,...
2 years ago | 1
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i need to utilize fully of my GPUs during network training!
To use more of the GPU resource per iteration you can increase the minibatch size. I'll note that the LSTM layer you are adding...
2 years ago | 0
add more options to gruLayer's GateActivationFunction
I would recommend implementing this extended GRU layer as a custom layer following this example: https://www.mathworks.com/help...
2 years ago | 0