
This package includes MATLAB scripts that help you design a poker player using MATLAB, Deep Learning, and Raspberry Pi. The poker-playing al
Updated 25 Apr 2020

This package includes MATLAB scripts that help you design a poker player using MATLAB, Deep Learning, and Raspberry Pi. The poker-playing algorithm consists of a deep learning network that predicts the cards, and a custom MATLAB algorithm that identifies ranked hands from the predictions and then makes bets like an actual player would. The algorithm can finally be deployed to a Raspberry Pi hardware.

For a detailed demonstration of the application, visit this link:

Cite As

Meeshawn Marathe (2025). Deep_Learning_Poker_Player_using_MATLAB_and_Raspberry_Pi (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020a
Compatible with R2020a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

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Updated the title of the File Exchange Submission.


Added link to Youtube video


Updated the Thumbnail Icon


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