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The Janelia Automatic Animal Behavior Annotator (JAABA) is a machine learning-based system that enables researchers to automatically compute interpretable, quantitative statistics describing video of behaving animals. Through our system, users encode their intuition about the structure of behavior by labeling the behavior of the animal, e.g. walking, grooming, or following, in a small set of video frames. JAABA uses machine learning techniques to convert these manual labels into behavior detectors that can then be used to automatically classify the behaviors of animals in large data sets with high throughput. Our system combines an intuitive graphical user interface, a fast and powerful machine learning algorithm, and visualizations of the classifier into an interactive, usable system for creating automatic behavior detectors. JAABA is complementary to video-based tracking methods, and we envision that it will facilitate extraction of detailed, scientifically meaningful measurements of the behavioral effects in large experiments.
JAABA is an open-source, freely available program developed by members of the Branson lab at HHMI Janelia Farm. It is described in detail in the paper "JAABA: Interactive machine learning for automatic annotation of animal behavior", Kabra, Robie, et al., Nature Methods, 2012.
Cite As
Kristin (2025). kristinbranson/JAABA (, GitHub. Retrieved .
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Inspired by: Netlab, EllipseDraw1.0, Rotate Tick Label, savefig, findjobj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects, Hatchfill, pdollar/toolbox
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- Compute_GroundTruthError_vs_TrainingSetSize.m
- OverlayFrames
- OverlayFrames_Ellipses
- OverlayFrames_Skeletons
- PlotSampleFrames
- PlotSampleFramesColor
- PlotSampleFramesColorRotate
- PlotSampleFramesWrapper
- PlotSampleFramesWrapperRotate
- SaveFigLotsOfWays
- ScriptAccuracyFigure.m
- ScriptAccuracyFigure_ExampleBouts.m
- ScriptCompareAgeBehavior.m
- ScriptCompareStarvationBehavior.m
- ScriptCompareWildtypeBehavior.m
- ScriptGMREthograms.m
- ScriptMakeJAABAResultsMovie_GMRLines.m
- ScriptOverviewFigure.m
- ScriptPrintTrainingDataStats.m
- ScriptVisualizeBehaviorStimulusRelationship.m
- fprintf_wrapper
- GetPCShortcutFileActualPath
- Jab
- MakeCtraxResultsMovieWrapper
- MakeDemoRawVideo
- ReadChoreDatFile
- ReadChoreSpineFile
- ReadIndexedMJPGHeader
- ReadMWTBlobFile
- SaveFMFSettings
- anytoavi
- arena_params
- avismall
- avitosbfmf
- cadabra2ctrax
- cleanup_ctrax_data
- compute_bg_mean
- compute_bg_med
- compute_bg_model
- createdata_perfile
- crop_fmf
- ctrax_matlab_filehandling_check
- fileparts_platind
- fixedtrx2ann
- fixedtrx2mtrax
- fmf2avi
- fmf_animate
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- fmf_read_frame
- fmf_read_header.m
- fmf_read_timestamps
- fmf_write_frame
- fmf_write_header
- fmfreadframe
- getContoursLarvaeLouis
- get_readframe_fcn
- get_readframe_fcn_aviread
- getperframepropnames
- indexlocptr
- klb_get_readframe_fcn
- load_tracks
- mmf_get_readframe_fcn
- mmf_read_frame
- mmf_read_header
- mmf_read_mean
- mmfwriter
- mmfwriter2
- mmfwritertrans
- mtrax2fixedtrx
- playfmf
- plot2svg
- r_readseqinfo
- read_ann
- read_ann2
- read_ann_line
- read_mjpg_frame
- read_seq_frame
- readmtrax
- save_tracks
- sbfmf_read_frame
- sbfmf_read_header.m
- sbfmf_write_frame
- sbfmf_write_gui
- sbfmf_write_index
- sbfmf_write_nframes
- sbfmfreadframe
- shorten_ufmf
- showufmf
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- ufmf_read_timestamps
- ufmf_write_frame
- ufmf_write_header
- ufmf_write_index
- ufmf_write_keyframe
- ufmf_write_numeric
- ufmf_write_struct
- uigetdir2
- verify_tracks
- videoioreadframe
- CopyClassProperties
- CropImAroundTrx
- GetMATLABClusterInfo
- GetUserName
- HandleObj
- IsNiceFileName
- MakeMATLABClusterScript
- PlotInterpColorLine
- RescaleToIndex
- SaveFigLotsOfWays
- ScriptTestChooseOrientations.m
- SelectHistEdges
- SetFigureSize
- String
- UpdateInterpColorLine
- absolutifyFileName
- adjustButtonColorsIfMac
- adjustColorsIfMac
- ametrine
- angle_subtract
- angledist
- argmax
- argmin
- arrayFilter
- assignmentallpossible
- assignmentoptimal
- assignmentsuboptimal1
- assignmentsuboptimal2
- axes2cov
- axisalmosttight
- baseNameFromFileName
- bwrotate
- cell2str
- cellFilter
- centerOnParentFigure
- change_value
- changeaxisunits
- changelogaxisunits
- choose_orientations
- choose_orientations2
- choose_orientations_larvae
- civilizedStringFromCellArrayOfStrings
- colorblind4to8
- coloredge
- colormap_image
- colorspace
- cols
- cond_2x2
- conic_foci
- conic_project_hack
- conic_properties
- conic_standard_form
- convertToTableCore
- cookLabels
- cookMarkerParams
- cookTrxGraphicParams
- coords2normfig
- cornerfinder
- cornerfinder_saddle_point
- cov2ell
- createfileinfodialog
- creategetfileinfodialog
- createputfileinfodialog
- createsubplots
- cross_entropy_method
- csvwrite
- ctrax_matlab_misc_check
- curvspace
- define_special_characters.m
- deleteValidHandles
- deletefileinfodialog
- deltadatenumstr
- det_2x2
- detectcircles
- displayimages
- dist2
- dist2_metropolis
- dist2many2one
- distancePointToLineSegmentV
- drawarena
- drawcov
- drawellipse
- drawfly
- drawfly_ellipse
- drawflyo
- drawlineonimage
- drawlineonimagescript.m
- drawrect
- dsxy2figxy
- dtypechar2matlabclass
- eigs_2x2
- ellipse_to_bounding_box
- ellipsearcdraw
- ellipsearcdrawpatch
- ellipsedist_hack
- ellipsedist_hack2
- ellipsedraw
- ellipsedrawpatch
- ellipsefit
- ellipseinteriorpixels
- ellipseinteriorpixels
- ellipseintextpixels
- ellipsepixels
- ellipsepoints
- ellipsepoints_even
- ellipseupdate
- errorpatch
- everythingFileFromOldStyleProjectAndClassifierFiles
- exportfig
- fakeaxislabels
- featureLexiconFromFeatureLexiconName.m
- featureNamesNewFromOld
- fernsClfAddFeature
- fernsClfAddTrainingData
- fernsClfApply
- fernsClfChangeFernDepth
- fernsClfChangeNFerns
- fernsClfCrossValidation
- fernsClfRelabelTrainingData
- fernsClfRemoveTrainingData
- fernsClfReplaceFeature
- fernsClfTrain
- fernsClfTrain
- fernsInds2
- fileBaseName
- fileNameRelFromAbs
- filenamesplit
- findAncestorFigure
- findfirstdim
- findjobj
- fire
- fit_circle_to_points
- fitcircle_manual
- furthestfirst
- genpath_visible
- get2ptline
- getFeatureLexiconListsFromXML.m
- getGuidataField
- getLabelsFromExpDirs
- get_axes
- get_interval_ends
- get_new_color
- getcovariance
- getellipse
- getframe_cleanup
- getframe_initialize
- getframe_invisible
- getframe_invisible_nocheck
- getstructarrayfield
- gmm_lines_2d
- gold
- gridaxes
- hatchfill
- histn
- houghcirclepeaks
- hungarian
- imscwrite
- ind2subv
- inv_2x2
- isControlLike
- isFileNameAbsolute
- isabspath
- isdisplay
- isglobalpath
- isnaturalnumber
- isnonempty
- isolum
- kjet
- kjetsmooth
- label_edges
- label_open_edges
- laprint
- linedist
- linspacev
- loadAnonymous
- logbar
- logscale_colormap
- mahdist
- matcrop_withpad
- matlabclass2dtypechar
- matset_withcrop
- mean_cov
- meanfilter
- meanignorenan
- mergeStructures
- mixgetcovariance
- mod1
- modrange
- montage
- morgenstemning
- mvnpdf_2d
- mychmod
- myconv
- mydir
- myfileparts
- myginput
- mygmm
- mygmminit
- myhist
- myhist3
- myhungarian
- mykmeans
- myparse
- myparse_nocheck
- mypca
- myredbluecmap
- myregress
- mysavefig
- myscatter
- mytitle
- mywaitbar
- myweb_nocheck
- naturalLanguageListFromStringList
- nonmaxsuppts
- nop
- normalizep
- normfig2coords
- nrrdread
- offIff
- onIff
- oned_binary_imdilate
- onedim2class
- onedim2interval
- onedim2kclass
- onedimkmeans
- padgrab
- padgrab2
- padset
- plot_arrow
- pointerToWatch
- polarerrorpatch
- polarimagesc
- printmatrix
- randpsd
- read_array
- read_array
- read_smatrix
- regexpmatch
- repmatIfNec
- restorePointer
- reverse_cumsum
- reverse_vector
- rotatearound
- rotateticklabel
- rows
- samplep
- samplepnoreplace
- saveAnonymous
- saveaseps
- savefig1
- savefig_pa
- scoreFeatures
- scoreFeatures
- setDifferencesScoreFeatures.m
- setGuidataField
- setIfValidHandle
- setLabelButtonColor
- set_interval_ends
- setcurrentfigure
- setdiag
- solve_tril
- split_path_and_filename
- splitext
- sprintfmat
- squareform_idx
- statgetargs
- stdignorenan
- strsplit_jaaba
- struct2paramscell
- struct2pvs
- struct2rowsexport
- structallocate
- structappend
- structarrayset
- structcompare
- structexport
- structmerge
- structprefixfieldnames
- structrmfield
- sub2indv
- sumfilter
- testNewFileCreationInJLabel
- test_choose_orientations.m
- test_invisible_videoWriter.m
- testassignment
- thresholdBSE
- treeprob
- trxGraphicParamsFromAnimalType
- uigetdir2
- uigetfilehelp
- uipickfiles
- uiputfilehelp
- uiwaitvec
- unionmany
- unix2winpath
- updateellipse
- updatefly
- vectarrow
- vectorize
- waitforkeypress
- warningNoTrace
- watershedsegment
- weighted_mean
- weighted_mean_cov
- weighted_prctile
- weightedkmeans
- whichstr
- whichstri
- win2unixpath
- wrapjobcmd_bsub_ssh
- write_array
- xticklabel_rotate
- zoomin
- APTProject
- ApplyRegistration
- BagDistMat
- BehaviorListAbsFileName
- BookmarkedClips
- ChangeScoreFeaturesDialog
- CheckScores
- ChooseExampleIntervals.m
- ClassifierOptions
- ClassifierStuff
- CompareClassifierWithLabels
- CompareFrames
- CompressionPreferences
- ComputeBoostingStats
- ComputeChangeWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeConfusionMatrix
- ComputeDiffNeighborMaxWindowFeatures
- ComputeDiffNeighborMeanWindowFeatures
- ComputeDiffNeighborMinWindowFeatures
- ComputeHarmonicWindowFeatures
- ComputeHistWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeMaxDependencyRadius
- ComputeMaxWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeMeanWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeMinWindowFeatures
- ComputePerFrameTrans.m
- ComputePrctileWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeStdWindowFeatures.m
- ComputeWindowFeatures
- ComputeZscoreNeighborsWindowFeatures
- ConfidenceThresholds
- Convert2JAABAWrapper
- ConvertCtrax2JAABA
- ConvertCtrax2JAABA
- ConvertCtraxMouseToTrx
- ConvertJCtrax2JAABA
- ConvertLarvaeLouis2JAABA
- ConvertLarvaeReid2JAABA
- ConvertLarvaeRiveraAlba2JAABA
- ConvertLarvaeSamuel2Trx
- ConvertLarvaeSpecies2Trx
- ConvertLarvaeVaniTrxToTrx
- ConvertMAGATAnalyzer2JAABA
- ConvertMMFMWT2Trx
- ConvertMWT2JAABA
- ConvertMWT2Trx
- ConvertMWTContour2Trx
- ConvertMotr2JAABA
- ConvertMotrCtc2JAABA
- ConvertMouseTrx2Trx
- ConvertQtrax2JAABA
- ConvertQtrax2Trx
- ConvertRawMotr2JAABA
- ConvertStructSVMTrx2JAABA
- ConvertTreadmill2JAABA
- CopyScoresToPerFrameDir
- CopyStructFields
- DebugComputePerFrameFeatures.m
- DebugComputeWindowFeatures.m
- DebugComputeWindowFeaturesSynthetic.m
- DebugComputeWindowFeatures_ListBoxCallback
- DebugComputeWindowFeatures_ListBoxCallback_Hist
- DebugComputeWindowFeatures_SliderCallback
- DebugComputeWindowFeatures_SliderCallback_Hist
- DebugConvertJCtrax2JAABA.m
- DebugConvertLarvaeSamuel2Trx.m
- DebugConvertLarvaeSpecies2Trx.m
- DebugConvertLarvaeVaniTrxToTrx.m
- DebugConvertMWT2Trx.m
- DebugConvertMouseTrx2Trx.m
- DebugConvertQtrax2Trx.m
- DebugConvertStructSVMTrx2JAABA.m
- DebugConvertTreadmill2JAABA.m
- DebugFeatureSelection.m
- DebugJLabel.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie_AR.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie_MRA.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie_MRA2.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie_MRAhighres.m
- DebugMakeJAABAResultsMovie_PositiveClips.m
- DebugRandomFerns.m
- DeleteBadPerFrameData
- EvaluateRandomFernParamEffects.m
- FeatureVocabularyForSelectFeatures
- FindChasee
- FlyBowlJAABADetect
- FlyBowlJAABADetect_SanityCheck
- GetLineConstraintFcn
- GetUserHomeDirName
- GrandlyUnifyController
- GrandlyUnifyModel
- GrandlyUnifyView
- GroupClassifiers
- HarmonicWindowCore
- HistogramPerFrameFeature.m
- InitializeCache
- JAABADetect
- JAABADetect
- JAABAInitOpen
- JAABAPlot_compiled.m
- JAABASplashScreen
- JLabel
- JLabelBatch
- JLabelData
- JLabelData_GetTrxPos
- JLabelGUIData
- JModifyFiles
- JaabaPerUserSettingsAbsDirName
- Labels
- LabelsPlot
- Macguffin
- MakeJAABAResultsMovie
- MakeJAABAResultsMovie_PositiveClips
- MakeJAABAResultsMovie_ResetAxis
- MaxWindowCore
- MeanWindowCore
- MergeMWTData
- MinWindowCore
- NavigationPreferences
- NewProjectSettings
- NextJump
- PlayJAABAResults
- PostProcess
- PostProcessor
- PreLoadWindowData
- Predict
- PrepareJAABAData
- PrepareJAABAData_compiled.m
- PrepareLabeledDataScript.m
- ProjectSetup
- ReadArenaParameters_Ctrax.m
- ReadArenaParameters_LarvaeReid
- ReadArenaParameters_MAGATAnalyzer
- ReadArenaParameters_MWT
- ReadArenaParameters_Qtrax.m
- ReadArenaParameters_Wrapper.m
- ReadChorePerLarvaDatFile
- ReadClassifierParamsFile
- ReadFPS_Ctrax.m
- ReadFPS_LarvaeLouis.m
- ReadFPS_MAGATAnalyzer
- ReadFPS_Qtrax
- ReadFPS_Wrapper.m
- ReadMWTContours
- ReadMWTSpines
- ReadParams
- ReadPerFrameParams
- ReadStructSVMLabelFile
- ReadStructSVMTrxFile
- ReadXMLConfigParams
- ReadXMLParams
- SaveFigLotsOfWays
- SaveXMLParams
- ScoreFile
- ScriptCopyLabels.m
- ScriptDeleteSoftLinkedPerframeMatFiles.m
- ScriptTestGUFFConversion.m
- SelFeatures
- SelectFeatures
- SelectHistEdges
- SetButtonImage
- SetDefaultParams
- SetDefaultWindowParameters.m
- SetInputDataTypeParams
- SetLandmarkParameters
- SetLandmarkParameters_px
- SetUpJAABAPath.m
- SetUpMatlabPool
- SetUpMatlabPoolforJAABAPlot
- SetUpParPool
- SetWindowParameters
- ShiftColor
- ShowROCCurve
- ShowWindowFeatureWeights.m
- StartJAABA
- StartJAABA_compiled.m
- SwitchTarget
- TimelineViewOptions
- TrkFile
- UpdateTargetPosition
- WindowData
- WindowFeatureName2Params
- WindowFeatureNameCompare
- WindowFeatureParams2String
- addAPTTrk2Trx
- apt2trx
- boostingUpdate
- boostingWrapper
- cache_thread
- checkSanity
- checkThresholds
- checkTransTypes
- classifier_distance.m
- classifyST
- classifySTCore
- convertPFV73
- convertToRelative
- cornerDetection
- createXMLNode
- create_trx_apt
- crossValidate
- deployedRelative2Global
- doBagging
- doBaggingBouts
- embeddings.m
- ethogram_plot
- ethogram_plot_core
- extractLabels
- fastBag
- fif
- findMatchingFolder
- findThresholdBins
- findThresholds
- findWeakRule
- findWeakRuleSamples
- findWeakRuleSamplesFeatures2
- findWeakRuleSamplesGPU
- findjobj
- fprintf_wrapper
- getJAABALabelStats
- getWeights
- initGHandles
- isValidHandle
- labels_plot
- loadLbl
- loglossboostLearnMod
- loglossboostLearnRandomFeatures
- make_jaaba_result_movie_plotallflies
- make_jlabel_results_movie
- myBoostClassify
- myfileparts
- parseunits
- readPFData
- rfrac2center
- showSimilarFrames
- sortWindowFeaturesByWeight.m
- spaceTimeOptions
- trainDetectorSTCore
- trxStats
- unify
- updatelandmarks
- updatelarvacontour
- updatelarvasamuel
- updatelarvaspecies
- updatewingedfly
- upperFirstLowerRest
- windowFeatureCodes2Names
- windowFeatureNames2Codes.m
- xmlParamsIsST
- AddExpDir
- CleanPerFrameData
- ClearDataCache
- ComputeDistFlyCenter
- ComputeDistFlyEll2Nose
- ComputeDistFlyNose2Ell
- ComputeFlyAngleSubtended
- FreeDataCache
- GetPerFrameData
- GetPerFrameFile
- LoadLabelsFromFile
- LoadPerFrameData
- LoadScoresFromFile
- PerFrameDataExists
- PerFrameFieldNames
- RemoveExpDir
- SetPerFrameData
- StoreTrajectories
- TrajectoryFieldNames
- Trx
- UpdatePerFrameAccessTime
- drawfly
- subsref
- ClassifierChange
- JCache
- JClassifier
- JExperiments
- JFeatures
- JLabelData_inworks
- JLabelEditFiles
- JScores
- JWindowdata
- ProjectManager
- LowPassFilterArea
- SmoothAreaOutliers
- anglesub_pair
- anglesubtended
- center_of_rotation
- center_of_rotation2
- compute_abs__template
- compute_absangle2wall
- compute_absanglefrom1to2
- compute_absangleonclosestfly
- compute_abscorfrac_min
- compute_absd2theta
- compute_absda
- compute_absdangle2wall
- compute_absdarea
- compute_absdarena_angle
- compute_absdb
- compute_absdecc
- compute_absdtheta
- compute_absdtheta_tail
- compute_absdu_tail
- compute_absdv_cor
- compute_absdv_tail
- compute_absphidiff
- compute_absphisideways
- compute_abssmoothd2theta
- compute_abssmoothdtheta
- compute_absthetadiff
- compute_absyaw
- compute_accmag
- compute_angle2closestroi2
- compute_angle2corner_rect
- compute_angle2roi2
- compute_angle2wall
- compute_angle2wall_rect
- compute_angle_biggest_wing
- compute_angle_longest_wing
- compute_angle_shortest_wing
- compute_angle_smallest_wing
- compute_anglefrom1to2
- compute_angleonclosestfly
- compute_anglesub
- compute_apt
- compute_apt_distclosest
- compute_apt_social
- compute_area
- compute_area_inmost_wing
- compute_area_mm
- compute_area_outmost_wing
- compute_areasmooth
- compute_arena_angle
- compute_arena_r
- compute_closestfly_anglesub
- compute_closestfly_center
- compute_closestfly_ell2ell
- compute_closestfly_ell2nose
- compute_closestfly_nose2ell
- compute_closestfly_nose2ell_anglerange
- compute_closestfly_nose2tail
- compute_closestroi2
- compute_corfrac_maj
- compute_corfrac_min
- compute_corisonfly
- compute_d2theta
- compute_da
- compute_dangle2closestroi2
- compute_dangle2corner
- compute_dangle2wall
- compute_dangle2wall_rect
- compute_dangle_biggest_wing
- compute_dangle_longest_wing
- compute_dangle_shortest_wing
- compute_dangle_smallest_wing
- compute_danglesub
- compute_darea
- compute_darea_inmost_wing
- compute_darea_outmost_wing
- compute_darena_angle
- compute_db
- compute_dcenter
- compute_ddcenter
- compute_ddell2nose
- compute_ddist2corner_rect
- compute_ddist2wall
- compute_ddist2wall_rect
- compute_ddistnose2wall_animaldir_rect
- compute_ddistnose2wall_rect
- compute_ddnose2ell
- compute_decc
- compute_dell2ell
- compute_dell2nose
- compute_dist2corner_rect
- compute_dist2roi2
- compute_dist2wall
- compute_dist2wall_rect
- compute_distnose2wall_animaldir_rect
- compute_distnose2wall_rect
- compute_dlength_inmost_wing
- compute_dlength_outmost_wing
- compute_dmax_wing_angle
- compute_dmax_wing_area
- compute_dmax_wing_length
- compute_dmean_wing_angle
- compute_dmean_wing_area
- compute_dmin_wing_angle
- compute_dmin_wing_area
- compute_dmin_wing_length
- compute_dmindist2roi2
- compute_dnose2ell
- compute_dnose2ell_anglerange
- compute_dnose2tail
- compute_dnwingsdetected
- compute_dphi
- compute_dtheta
- compute_dtheta_tail
- compute_du_cor
- compute_du_ctr
- compute_du_tail
- compute_dv_cor
- compute_dv_ctr
- compute_dv_tail
- compute_dwing_angle_diff
- compute_dwing_angle_imbalance
- compute_ecc
- compute_flipdv_cor
- compute_length_inmost_wing
- compute_length_outmost_wing
- compute_magveldiff
- compute_max_absdwing_angle
- compute_max_absdwing_area
- compute_max_absdwing_length
- compute_max_dwing_angle_in
- compute_max_dwing_angle_out
- compute_max_wing_angle
- compute_max_wing_area
- compute_max_wing_length
- compute_mean_wing_angle
- compute_mean_wing_area
- compute_mean_wing_length
- compute_min_absdwing_angle
- compute_min_absdwing_area
- compute_min_absdwing_length
- compute_min_dwing_angle_in
- compute_min_dwing_angle_out
- compute_min_wing_angle
- compute_min_wing_area
- compute_min_wing_length
- compute_mindist2roi2
- compute_nflies_close
- compute_phi
- compute_phisideways
- compute_signdtheta
- compute_smoothd2theta
- compute_smoothdtheta
- compute_smooththeta
- compute_spacetime
- compute_spacetime_gradient
- compute_spacetime_hoghof
- compute_spacetime_mask
- compute_spacetime_transform
- compute_velmag
- compute_velmag_ctr
- compute_velmag_nose
- compute_velmag_tail
- compute_veltoward
- compute_wing_angle_diff
- compute_wing_angle_imbalance
- compute_wing_areal_mm
- compute_wing_arear_mm
- compute_wing_lengthl_mm
- compute_wing_lengthr_mm
- compute_xnose_mm
- compute_yaw
- compute_ynose_mm
- dapt_pair
- dcenter2nose_pair
- dcenter_pair
- dell2ell_bounds
- dell2ell_pair
- dell2nose_bounds
- dell2nose_pair
- dnose2center_pair
- dnose2ell_anglerange_pair
- dnose2ell_bounds
- dnose2ell_pair
- dnose2tail_pair
- ellipse2ellipsedist_hack
- isclose_pair
- compute_absangchvsangtc.m
- compute_absangihsmvsangtsmi.m
- compute_angchvsangtc
- compute_angihsmvsangtsmi.m
- compute_angihvsangti.m
- compute_centralheadang
- compute_centralheadmag
- compute_centralheadsmang.m
- compute_closestlarva_central
- compute_closestlarva_head2central
- compute_dangchvsangtc
- compute_dangihvsangti
- compute_dcentral
- compute_dcentralheadang
- compute_dcentralheadmag
- compute_dhead2central
- compute_dinflheadang
- compute_dinflheadmag
- compute_disthead2wall_mm
- compute_dnormarea
- compute_dnormlength
- compute_dratioarealength.m
- compute_dratiolengthvsth
- compute_dspinelength
- compute_dsumspinerelangle.m
- compute_dsumspinerelanglect.m
- compute_dsumspinerelanglehc.m
- compute_dtailcentralang
- compute_dtailcentralmag
- compute_dtailheadang
- compute_dtailheadmag
- compute_dtailinflang
- compute_dtailinflmag
- compute_dxcentral_mm.m
- compute_dxcentralhead_mm
- compute_dxhead_mm.m
- compute_dxheadsm_mm.m
- compute_dxinflection_mm.m
- compute_dxtail_mm.m
- compute_dxtailcentral_mm
- compute_dxtailhead_mm
- compute_dxtailsm_mm.m
- compute_dycentral_mm.m
- compute_dycentralhead_mm
- compute_dyhead_mm.m
- compute_dyheadsm_mm.m
- compute_dyinflection_mm.m
- compute_dytail_mm.m
- compute_dytailcentral_mm
- compute_dytailhead_mm
- compute_dytailsm_mm.m
- compute_inflectionpointdistance
- compute_inflheadang.m
- compute_inflheadmag
- compute_inflheadsmang.m
- compute_normarea
- compute_normlength
- compute_ratioarealength
- compute_ratiolengthvsth
- compute_rhead_mm
- compute_spinelength
- compute_sumspinerelangle.m
- compute_sumspinerelanglect.m
- compute_sumspinerelanglehc.m
- compute_tailcentralang
- compute_tailcentralmag
- compute_tailheadang
- compute_tailheadmag
- compute_tailinflang
- compute_tailinflmag.m
- compute_tailsmcentralang.m
- compute_tailsmheadsmang
- compute_tailsminflang
- compute_velang
- compute_velangcentral
- compute_velangcentralhead
- compute_velanghead
- compute_velangtail
- compute_velangtailcentral
- compute_velangtailhead
- compute_velcentralch
- compute_velcentralperch
- compute_velcentralpertc
- compute_velcentralperth
- compute_velcentraltc
- compute_velcentralth
- compute_velch
- compute_velchsm
- compute_velheadch
- compute_velheadperch
- compute_velheadpertc
- compute_velheadperth
- compute_velheadtc
- compute_velheadth
- compute_velmagcentral
- compute_velmagcentralhead
- compute_velmaghead
- compute_velmagtail
- compute_velmagtailcentral
- compute_velmagtailhead
- compute_velperch
- compute_velpertc
- compute_velperth
- compute_veltailch
- compute_veltailperch
- compute_veltailpertc
- compute_veltailperth
- compute_veltailtc
- compute_veltailth
- compute_veltc
- compute_velth
- compute_veltsmc
- compute_veltsmhsm
- compute_vx_cm
- compute_vy_cm
- compute_xcentral_mm
- compute_xcentralhead_mm
- compute_xhead_mm
- compute_xheadsm_mm
- compute_xinflection_mm
- compute_xtail_mm
- compute_xtailcentral_mm
- compute_xtailhead_mm
- compute_xtailsm_mm
- compute_ycentral_mm
- compute_ycentralhead_mm
- compute_yhead_mm
- compute_yheadsm_mm
- compute_yinflection_mm
- compute_ytail_mm
- compute_ytailcentral_mm
- compute_ytailhead_mm
- compute_ytailsm_mm
- dcentral_pair
- dhead2central_pair
- temp.m
- DebugDeepFlow.m
- PCAFtrs
- ScriptCheckLDOF.m
- ScriptCompareCUDAandMatlab20230428.m
- ScriptCompareSORitersd.m
- ScriptCreateUFMF.m
- ScriptDebugDeepCrash.m
- ScriptMakeFeatureAndResultVideo.m
- ScriptShowHOGHOFFeatures.m
- ScriptShowHOGHOFFeatures_katie.m
- ScriptVisualizeDeepFlowFeatures.m
- VisualizeClassifier
- VisualizeFlowFeatures
- VisualizeFlowFeaturesSeq
- VisualizeFtrSeries.m
- VisualizeHogFeatures
- addHoGToImage
- addgrid
- annotateAllDirs
- annotateMiceFrontSide
- buildComputeFeaturesCompiled.m
- buildDeep.m
- catmov
- cellCode.m
- clipMovie
- combine_hog_hof_features
- computeCudaFeatures
- computeDeepFlow
- computeDeepFlowBkgSup
- computeFeaturesCompiled
- computeFeaturesParallel_notracks
- computeFlowBkgSup
- computeSTFeaturesParallel
- convertFeaturestoMatlab
- copyhoghofParamstoJson
- createHogHofFeatureConfig.m
- create_dummy_trx_file
- cuda2matlab_features
- depthFirstSearch
- dtype
- extractPatch
- extractSTPerframeFtrs
- gatherCompiledFeatures
- genAllFeaturesHantman
- genFeatures
- genFeaturesOffline
- genFeatures_notracks
- genInterestPoints
- genInterestPointsFrontSide
- genSTFeatures
- genTrack
- getParamsKatie
- getSTParams
- isFrontSideExpDir
- jabFileToClassifier
- makeClip
- makeFlowMovie
- makeHantmanExplist
- makeMovies
- makeMoviesFrontSide
- myhogDraw
- mywriteUFMFFrame
- parfor_progress
- playfmf_interestpoints
- plotHofFeatures
- prepareDeepPerFrameFtrsCompiled
- prepareDummyTracksKatie
- preparePerFrameFtrs_notracks
- prepareSTPerframeFtrs
- readDeepFlow.m
- setup.m
- split_hog_hof_features
- stefiGroomingRun.m
- wholeMovieFtrs
- AnnotateHandAddFoodPelletDuringGrabs
- ApplyPostprocessing
- CheckExpDir
- CheckSetUpDir
- DebugCheckJabFile.m
- DebugSetUpDirOnCluster.m
- DeleteDuplicateMovies
- Ethogram
- ExpPP
- ExpPPControl
- ExpPPGrabSeq
- ExpPPLaserEvent
- ExperimentTags
- ExportClassifier
- FixExpDirNames
- HandleObj
- JLabelInterf
- MouseLabeler
- ScriptAnnotateHandAndFootPelletDuringGrabs.m
- ScriptMakeJAABAResultsMovie20140606.m
- ScriptShowHOGHOFFeatures.m
- StartJAABA.m
- annotateAllDirs
- annotateMice
- annotateMiceFrontSide
- aviread_rawy8
- catmov
- checkForClassifierFile
- checkJabFile
- classifyAllDirs
- classifyMovie
- classifyMovieCore
- clearDirectory
- closeEverything.m
- copyData
- depthFirstSearch
- ethogram_export
- ethogram_plot
- ethogram_plot_core
- findAllSubDirs
- fixTrxFiles20140218
- genAllFeatures
- genAllFeaturesExpDirList
- genFeatures
- genInterestPoints
- genInterestPointsFrontSide
- genTrack
- getAllFiles
- getClassifierFromJabFile
- isFrontSideExpDir
- labels_plot
- lenientMatch
- makeMovies
- makeMoviesFrontSide
- popupmessage.m
- setUpDir
- setUpDirUsingCluster
- setuppaths
- splitmat
- testLoading
- trainDetectorSTCore
- viewFeatures
- writeScoreFile
- AverageEthogram
- CompareStatsAcrossGroups
- CompareStatsAcrossMultipleGroups
- ExpPPHeadless
- GetExpTypeFromDir
- MeasureStatDependencies
- MeasureStatDependenciesPerGroup
- ReadRawDataFile
- Repeat
- RotateMatrixCriterion
- ScriptAnalyzeAdamData20140813.m
- ScriptExaminePawTrajectories20141029.m
- ScriptGroundtruthPostprocessing20141016.m
- ScriptSelectImporantFramesForTraining.m
- errorbar_x
- fundmatrix
- hnormalise
- kbttest
- normalise2dpts
- vgg_F_from_P.m
- vgg_P_from_F.m
- vgg_X_from_xP_lin
- vgg_X_from_xP_nonlin
- vgg_contreps
- vgg_gui_F
- findchunk
- findlist
- getfourcc
- privateMMReaderPluginSearch
- readavi
- readbmpdata
- readchunk
- readfourcc
- skipchunk
- BoxPlotPlot
- BrowserCurationGUI
- BrowserGUI
- ComparisonPlot
- CurationInfoEntry
- DataSelectorGUI
- DetailHandler
- LoginGUI
- MultiStatCompare
- MultiStatCompareBase
- OlyDatViewer
- RepeatBoxPlot.m
- RepeatMultiStatCompare.m
- RepeatPlotBase
- RepeatSuccess.m
- centerGUI
- collapsegroup
- ismemberwithequalnans
- makePlatformSpecificBrowserFig
- normalizeUnits
- olyBrowse
- tweakGUILayout
- Browser
- BrowserStat
- CurationField
- CurationFile.m
- CurationFileWriter
- DataPuller
- DataSelector
- ExperimentCoordinator
- ExperimentDetailHandler
- Plot
- XYPlotClickHandler
- XYPlotClickSender
- lineReportURL
- Repeat
- computeRollingCtlAv
- fieldVal2DataIdx
- getFieldSafe
- getNumericScalarFieldSafe
- vizLineRpts
- zscoreField
- checkNumArgs.m
- convnFast.m
- filterGauss.m
- gaussSmooth
- im
- localSum
- nlfiltersep.m
- optFlowCorr
- optFlowHorn
- optFlowLk
- ScriptCompareFlowMethods.m
- ScriptCompareMaxWarpIters.m
- estimate_flow_demo
- estimate_flow_interface
- load_of_method
- load_of_method
- alt_ba_optical_flow
- compute_flow
- compute_flow_base
- display
- evalaute_new_log_posterior
- evaluate_log_posterior
- flow_operator
- parse_input_parameter
- subsasgn
- subsref
- ba_optical_flow
- compute_flow
- compute_flow_base
- display
- estimate_flow_gradient_ascent
- evaluate_log_posterior
- evaluate_log_posterior_grad
- evaluate_log_posterior_grad_test
- flow_operator
- flow_operator_test
- parse_input_parameter
- subsasgn
- subsref
- classic_nl_optical_flow
- compute_flow
- compute_flow_base
- display
- evalaute_wa_log_posterior
- evaluate_log_posterior
- flow_operator
- parse_input_parameter
- subsasgn
- subsref
- compute_flow
- compute_flow_base
- compute_flow_increment_cgd
- display
- evaluate_log_posterior
- evaluate_log_posterior_grad
- flow_operator
- hs_optical_flow
- parse_input_parameter
- subsasgn
- subsref
- compute_conv2_valid_mask
- compute_image_pyramid
- compute_image_pyramid2
- convmtxn
- denoise_LO
- denoise_color_weighted_medfilt2
- denoise_robust2
- detect_occlusion
- evaluate_weighted_energy
- flowAngErr
- flow_aae
- imfiltermtx
- imwarp
- interp2_bicubic
- make_convn_mat
- make_gaussian_filter
- make_imfilter_mat
- make_spatiotemporal_filter
- partial_deriv
- plotflow
- psnr
- read_flow_file
- resample_flow
- scale_image
- structure_texture_decomposition_rof
- subsample_images
- weighted_median
- weighted_median_iter
- ximfilter
- ximresize
- charbonnier
- gaussian
- geman_mcclure
- generalized_charbonnier
- huber
- lorentzian
- mixture
- quadratic
- spline
- tdist
- tdist_unnorm
- tukey
- checkNumArgs.m
- convnFast.m
- filterGauss.m
- gaussSmooth
- im
- localSum
- nlfiltersep.m
- optFlowCorr
- optFlowHorn
- optFlowLk
- Contents.m
- chnsCompute
- chnsPyramid
- chnsScaling
- convBox
- convMax
- convTri
- gradient2
- gradientHist
- gradientMag
- hog
- hogDraw
- imPad
- imResample
- rgbConvert
- Contents.m
- confMatrix
- confMatrixShow
- demoCluster.m
- demoGenData
- distMatrixShow
- fernsClfApply
- fernsClfTrain
- fernsInds
- fernsRegApply
- fernsRegTrain
- forestApply
- forestTrain
- kmeans2
- meanShift
- meanShiftIm
- meanShiftImExplore
- pca
- pcaApply
- pcaRandVec
- pcaVisualize
- pdist2
- rbfComputeBasis
- rbfComputeFtrs
- rbfDemo
- softMin
- visualizeData
- apply_homography.m
- clfDecTree
- clfDecTreeFwd
- clfDecTreeTrain
- clfEcoc
- clfEcocCode
- clfKnn
- clfKnnDist
- clfKnnFwd
- clfKnnTrain
- clfLda
- clfLdaFwd
- clfLdaTrain
- clfSvm
- demoClassify
- diffTracker
- dijkstra
- filter_gauss_1D.m
- getargs.m
- imSubsResize.m
- imrotate2.m
- imtranslate.m
- imwrite2split.m
- localsum_block.m
- makemovie.m
- mode2.m
- montages2.m
- nfoldxval
- normxcorrn_fg.m
- pca_apply.m
- pca_apply_large.m
- playmovies.m
- randperm2.m
- Contents.m
- FbApply2d
- FbCrop
- FbMake
- FbReconstruct2d
- FbVisualize
- filterBinomial1d
- filterDog2d
- filterDoog
- filterGabor1d
- filterGabor2d
- filterGauss
- filterSteerable
- filterVisualize
- medfilt1m
- modefilt1
- Contents.m
- assignToBins
- bbApply
- bbGt
- bbLabeler
- bbNms
- behaviorAnnotator
- behaviorData
- clusterMontage
- convnFast
- filmStrip
- gaussSmooth
- histMontage
- histc2
- histcImLoc
- histcImWin
- im
- imMlGauss
- imNormalize
- imRectRot
- imShrink
- imagesAlign
- imrectLite
- imtransform2
- imwrite2
- jitterImage
- kernelTracker
- localSum
- makeGif
- maskCircle
- maskEllipse
- maskGaussians
- maskSphere
- montage2
- movieToImages
- nonMaxSupr
- nonMaxSuprList
- nonMaxSuprWin
- normxcorrn
- opticalFlow
- playMovie
- seqIo
- seqPlayer
- seqReaderPlugin
- seqWriterPlugin
- textureMap
- xcorrn
- xeucn
- Contents.m
- arrayCrop
- arrayToDims
- c.m
- cc.m
- ccc.m
- cell2array
- char2img
- checkNumArgs
- dirSynch
- diskFill
- dispMatrixIm
- fevalArrays
- fevalDistr
- fevalDistrDisk
- fevalImages
- fevalMats
- figureResized
- gauss2ellipse
- getPrmDflt
- imLabel
- ind2sub2
- int2str2
- isfield2
- mat2cell2
- multiDiv
- multiTimes
- normpdf2
- num2strs
- plotEllipse
- plotGaussEllipses
- plotRoc
- randSample
- randint2
- rotationMatrix
- simpleCache
- spBlkDiag
- sub2ind2
- subsToArray
- subsampleMatrix
- text2
- ticStatus
- tocStatus
- tpsGetWarp
- tpsInterpolate
- tpsInterpolateIm
- tpsRandom
- txt2img
- uniqueColors
- ScriptTestPrepareJAABAData.m
- testAddSecondExperimentToNewWingedFlyJab
- testAll
- testClassifierImport
- testClassifierImportFlyIntoWingedFly
- testClassifierImportTransSpecies
- testClassifierImportTransSpeciesReversed
- testConvertClassifierWithScoreFeature
- testConvertClassifierWithoutLabels
- testConvertSimple
- testJAABADetect
- testJAABAGui
- testJAABAWindowdata
- testJabCreationWithScoreFeature
- testJabCreationWithScoreFeatureInAlternateOrder
- testMissingMovieTimeStamp
- testPrepareJAABAData
- testRemovingExperimentWithRecentlyDeletedLabel
- testV050JabFileOpening
Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded
Version | Published | Release Notes | |
---|---|---|---| |
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