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Embeding results on a map

2 views (last 30 days)
L on 11 Aug 2021
Answered: Pratyush on 17 Apr 2024
I would like to test the algorithm on a map, but I do not know how to approach it.
ANy suggestions?

Answers (1)

Pratyush on 17 Apr 2024
Embedding results on a map in MATLAB involves a few key steps:
  1. Ensure you have geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) for the points you want to plot, along with any associated results from your algorithm.
  2. Depending on what you're visualizing (e.g., points, heatmaps, contour maps), select an appropriate mapping method.
  3. Use geoplot for plotting points on a map if you have the Mapping Toolbox, or plot for a simple latitude-longitude plot. Enhance the map with titles, legends, and base maps for better visualization.
  4. Integrate your algorithm's output with the mapping approach, adjust based on visualization feedback, and iterate to refine.
  5. Explore MATLAB's advanced features for more sophisticated maps, including customizing maps, interactive elements, and analyzing geospatial data.
Hope this helps.




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