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how to divide a color image into multiple binary codes

4 views (last 30 days)
how to divide an image file in cmax number of chunks(binary codes) and distribute those chunks to multiple files in some order

Answers (2)

Hari on 3 Sep 2024
Hi saima,
I understand that you want to divide a color image into a specified number of chunks, convert these chunks into binary code, and then save each chunk into separate files.
I assume you have a color image file and a specified number of chunks (cmax) you want to divide the image into.
  • Read the Image: Use the "imread" function to load the image into MATLAB. This function reads the image as a matrix of pixel values.
  • Determine Chunk Size: Calculate the size of each chunk based on the total number of pixels and the desired number of chunks (cmax).
  • Divide Image into Chunks: Reshape the image matrix into a vector and split it into chunks. Convert each chunk into a binary code.
  • Convert Chunks to Binary and Save: Convert each chunk into binary format and save it to a file using "fwrite".
  • Organize Files: Ensure that the files are saved in the desired order and format. You can use a loop to iterate through the chunks and save each one.
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Sep 2024
In step 3 can you explain this in more detail: "Convert each chunk into a binary code"?
In Step 4 can you explain this in more detail: "Convert each chunk into binary format"?
How is that different from the sub-vector "chunk" you got from dividing the reshaped matrix into? Is it a different variable type, like not a unint8?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Sep 2024
Not sure what you mean by binary codes. Please explain. How is that different than just a simple tile of the image you extracted from the RGB image variable, in other words a 3-D uint8 matrix?
If you just want to chop the image up into tiles you can use indexing in a loop, and then use imwrite for each subimage. Or you can use blockproc.


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