how to separate objects in image using matlab

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DGM on 21 Jun 2021
1: what have you tried so far
2: do you have a usable test image

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Accepted Answer

DGM on 21 Jun 2021
Edited: DGM on 21 Jun 2021
inpict = imread('toolspic.png'); % cropped from thumbnail
bpict = rgb2gray(inpict)<220; % pick a threshold to isolate from BG
S = regionprops(bpict,'boundingbox','filledimage');
C = cell(numel(S),1);
for n = 1:numel(S)
% get mask of object only
mk = S(n).FilledImage;
% get corresponding rectangular area of original image
bb = floor(S(n).BoundingBox);
samp = inpict(bb(2):bb(2)+bb(4)-1,bb(1):bb(1)+bb(3)-1,:);
% remove adjacent object fragments from rectangular sample
samp(repmat(~mk,[1 1 size(inpict,3)])) = 255;
% store this image
C{n} = samp;
% just plot the images for viewing
for n = 1:numel(S)
Of course, there are other things to consider. This uses a very tight binary mask to extract the objects from the image. If the objects had soft edges, they would inherit hard edges from the mask. If the purpose is visual, then it may be desired to use a dilated mask and/or a softened (numeric) masking approach. Either would have further complications, particularly the need to deal with objects near the image boundaries.
siraj hashem
siraj hashem on 23 Jun 2021
Thank you sir
This attached image has a problem
DGM on 23 Jun 2021
The issue was just with some speckles being picked up as objects. I guess I should've thought about that. Using bwareaopen on bpict will remove spots smaller than a given number of pixels.
bpict = bwareaopen(bpict,100);
Given that I'm using a masking approach with FilledImage, filling bpict itself shouldn't be necessary unless the interiors of certain objects are patterned in a way that makes it difficult to despeckle by connected group size. For sake of robustness, it might be a good thing to add prior to calling bwareaopen().
bpict = imfill(bpict,'holes');

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More Answers (2)

Jonas on 21 Jun 2021
if your input image has white background you can easily generate a binare image after conversion to grayscale and using thresholding
on the binary image you can use bwconvhull with the 'objects' option or/and finally bwlabel(); this gives you the positions in which you can find different objects. you can then cut the objects out of the original image and save them as separate image

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Jun 2021
What I'd do is to binarize the image then call imfill() to fill holes in the objects.
grayImage = rgb2gray(rgbImage);
binaryImage = grayImage < 220;
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
Then call regionprops to get the bounding box of each image.
props = regionprops(binaryImage, 'BoundingBox');
Then I'd crop out each sub-image. Then I'd use a double for loop with isequal() to compare every image with every other image to see which subimage is unique.
numObjects = length(props)
alreadyUsed = false(numObjects); % Keep track if we've already seen this object or not.
for k1 = 1 : numObjects
image1 = imcrop(grayImage, props(k1).BoundingBox);
foundIt = false;
for k2 = 1 : numObjects
if k1 == k2
% Don't bother comparing object to itself.
image2 = imcrop(grayImage, props(k2).BoundingBox);
foundIt = false;
if isequal(image1, image2)
foundIt = true;
break; % Don't bother checking against the others, unless you want a count.
if ~foundIt
% We have not seen this object yet. So paste it onto our
% output canvass.
% Code for you to complete to paste image1 onto canvass
If it's unique, paste it onto your output canvass. If it's not unique and it's the second instance of the object, then don't paste it onto the output image. It should work as long as it's a computer graphics image and all objects are identical, i.e. no varying compression artifacts. If there are slight differences, then make sure they're the same size and use corrcoeff() to see how similar the images are.
Some demos are included which may be informative.

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