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Storing variables in a for loop within another

1 view (last 30 days)
I have the code below, and I want to store the variable "vetor_momentoj" returned from the for loop in terms of the indexes i and j. In other words, in each interaction i, I will have j (10) values of the variable "vetor_momentoj". Similarly, I want to store the variable "jvals". In each interaction i it's assuming a vector of values as declared with linspace. Can anyone help me, please?
it = 10000;
jvals = zeros(it,1);
vetor_momentoj = zeros(it,1);
for i = 1:it
jvals(i) = linspace(0, 0.03, 10);
for j = 1:numel(jvals)
curvatura = jvals(j);
funj = @dissertacao_curvatura_funcao;
x0j = 1;
xj = fzero(funj,x0j);
vetor_momentoj(j) = momentoj;

Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 16 May 2021
Edited: per isakson on 16 May 2021
"store the variable "vetor_momentoj" [...] in terms of the indexes i and j."
Something like this? I replaced the calculation of momentoj by rand to be able to run the script.
There is no reason to have the statement jvals = linspace(0, 0.03, 10); inside the loop. The value of jvals doesn't change.
it = 10000;
jvals = linspace(0, 0.03, 10);
vetor_momentoj = nan( numel(jvals), it );
for i = 1:it
for j = 1:numel(jvals)
curvatura = jvals(j);
% funj = @dissertacao_curvatura_funcao;
x0j = 1;
% xj = fzero(funj,x0j);
vetor_momentoj(j,i) = rand; % momentoj;
whos vetor_momentoj
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes vetor_momentoj 10x10000 800000 double
"store the variable "jvals"." I don't see why. The statement jvals(i) = linspace(0, 0.03, 10); throws an error. repmat( linspace(0,0.03,10), .... ) outside the script, isn't that good enough?

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