insert text in for loop operation

5 views (last 30 days)
I intend to insert text to each image saved during for loop operation.
I have for loop runs from i = 1:1:200 ;
lets say for image saved duirng i = 1 iteration I need to insert ' t = 0 s' and t = 0.0002 s, t = 0.0004 s, t = 0.0006 s for images saved duirng i = 2, 3, 4 iterations respectively. Please help me with this ...
for i = 1:1:200
%% image processing
%% insert text
%% save image

Accepted Answer

Turbulence Analysis
Turbulence Analysis on 14 May 2021
Thanks for your answer.
Actually, I am saving images in .bmp format as shown below.. Essentially for each iteration it saves image as S00001.bmp, S00002.bmp and so on...
for i = 1:1:100
%% save image to the folder
fname = fullfile(inputFolder, fname);
thisBaseFileName = sprintf('S%4.5d.bmp', i);
fullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, thisBaseFileName);
saveas(gcf, fullFileName)
And text should appear somewhere in the image like (x,y) = (10, -35) as shown in attached figure ..
text (10, -35, 'my text')
Jan on 14 May 2021
Replace "['t= ',sprintf('%ds',((i-1)*0.0002))]" by
sprintf('t = %gs', (i-1) * 0.0002)
Turbulence Analysis
Turbulence Analysis on 15 May 2021
Thanks for the correction..
I have used as follows, Now I am getting the intended one ...
t = 0.0002 * (i);
text(5,-35,[sprintf('t = %g s', t)],'FontSize',18,'Color','b','Interpreter','latex');

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More Answers (1)

Jan on 14 May 2021
Edited: Jan on 14 May 2021
The question is not clear yet. Where should ' t = 0 s' appear? As title of an axes?
for i = 1:200
%% image processing
%% insert text
%% save image
t = 0.0002 * i;
FigH = figure;
title(sprintf('t = %g s', t));
% Now "save" the image
What does "save"! means here? Print as PDF, a screenshot, a fig file? Maybe:
savefig(FigH, sprintf('Figure%04d.fig', i), 'compact')


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