Trouble in codegen customized antenna pattern
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I am trying to use codegen on a customized antenna pattern, basically this,
pattern = phased.CustomAntennaElement('AzimuthAngles',x.azim,'ElevationAngles',x.elev, ...
but I keep getting the following error message:
"??? Expression could not be reduced to a constant.", which points to line 1014 of the CustomAntennaElement.m function when setting the phase.
Does Matlab Coder not support custom antenna functions? Could anybody give me some advice please?
1 Comment
Honglei Chen
on 8 May 2021
Thansk for reporting this. We've idenfitied the issue and will fix it in a future release. Please see the ansewr below for a workaround.
Answers (1)
Honglei Chen
on 7 May 2021
I don't know how x is formed, but here is an example you can take a look, that generates the code. The main idea is to push pattern computation to a separate function and use coder.extrinsic to compute it first then save as a constant.
The main function looks like this
function pattern = phasedArrayWrapper()
AzimuthAngles = -180:180;
ElevationAngles = -90:90;
MagnitudePattern = coder.const(getPattern(AzimuthAngles,ElevationAngles));
phasepattern = zeros(size(MagnitudePattern));
ant = phased.CustomAntennaElement('AzimuthAngles',AzimuthAngles,'ElevationAngles',ElevationAngles, ...
pattern = ant(3e8,[0;0]);
The supporting function, which needs to be on path, looks like below
function pat = getPattern(AzimuthAngles,ElevationAngles)
pat = mag2db(repmat(cosd(ElevationAngles)', ...
The codegen command is shown below
>> codegen phasedArrayWrapper
Code generation successful.
See Also
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