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load data cell from Mat file from Matlab file

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I am trying to load data cell from mat file, I used load function but still all I get is (struct with field), I would like to get the array numbers, as I read from excel
So, for the sake of brevity I attached similar file but with very limited data,
Please any help.. Anyone could tell me how to read the data in unnamed :: how to represent them... how to make ss= [1;2;3] not just struct with field [3*1] ???
ss = load('matlab_t.mat','unnamed'); %% I would like this to be ss=[1;2;3]

Answers (1)

David Fletcher
David Fletcher on 6 Apr 2021
Edited: David Fletcher on 6 Apr 2021
ss=load('matlab_t.mat','unnamed'); %% I would like this to be ss=[1;2;3]


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