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Subtraction of gravity from accerelometer data

6 views (last 30 days)
I'm having some trouble subtracting the gravitation from my accelerometer data. I'm following the implementation from this site , but Matlab gives me this error code
"Error using quatmultiply (line 36)
First input elements are not real."
even when I'm using
The section in my coding is the following:
e_1 = [1 0 0];
e_2 = [0 1 0];
e_3 = [0 0 1];
e_1rot = zeros(height(T),3);
e_2rot = zeros(height(T),3);
e_3rot = zeros(height(T),3);
i = 1;
while i < height(T)
%I also used quatmultiply(quat2(i+1,:),conj(quat2(i,:)), but there was the error message
e_1rot(i,:) = quat2(i+1,:)*conj(quat2(i,:))*e_1*quat2(i,:)*conj(quat2(i+1,:));
e_2rot(i,:) = quat2(i+1,:)*conj(quat2(i,:))*e_2*quat2(i,:)*conj(quat2(i+1,:));
e_3rot(i,:) = quat2(i+1,:)*(conjquat2(i,:))*e_3*quat2(i,:)*conj(quat2(i+1,:));
i = i + 1;
where quat2 is the pure quaternion (without the real part) and conj(quat2) is the conjugation. Could it be that the basis vectors should be 4 dimensional, just like the quaternion? How do I solve then my 3 dimensional gravity problem?
I hope you guys can help me, if needed, I'll post the whole code for better understanding.
James Tursa
James Tursa on 3 Feb 2021
Can you post that csv file, or some of it?
Bruce Rogers
Bruce Rogers on 4 Feb 2021
Sure, this is a part of that csv:
% in columns: x,y,z acceleration in mm/s, x,y,z angular velocity in deg/s,
% magnetometer data in µT. Every line is one data packet in an interval of 0.05s
19.41 -15.93 991.03 -0.02 0.11 -0.02 -812.00 -114.00 -1133.00
17.58 -16.97 986.45 -0.03 0.21 0.02 -812.00 -114.00 -1133.00
18.37 -20.69 986.27 -0.04 0.24 0.01 -812.00 -114.00 -1133.00
17.33 -14.53 988.77 0.03 0.14 0.02 -823.00 -121.00 -1153.00
17.03 -15.50 989.07 -0.11 0.22 0.10 -823.00 -121.00 -1153.00
21.00 -23.32 989.99 0.03 0.18 0.08 -816.00 -89.00 -1143.00
19.53 -14.71 985.90 0.05 0.15 0.10 -816.00 -89.00 -1143.00
16.60 -16.17 986.15 -0.02 0.15 0.12 -816.00 -89.00 -1143.00
18.92 -24.05 985.66 -0.07 0.14 0.01 -811.00 -116.00 -1145.00
17.33 -18.19 986.88 -0.05 0.19 0.02 -811.00 -116.00 -1145.00
19.59 -16.24 985.53 0.95 1.20 0.09 -819.00 -125.00 -1153.00
22.40 -24.17 991.27 -0.45 0.02 -0.05 -819.00 -125.00 -1153.00
-26.92 41.50 975.04 1.14 0.41 1.82 -819.00 -125.00 -1153.00
58.96 -0.49 955.87 17.84 3.18 39.73 -823.00 -125.00 -1146.00
9.70 5.74 949.40 -16.33 0.18 20.60 -823.00 -125.00 -1146.00
11.54 55.30 1070.43 -18.39 -10.90 13.71 -803.00 -209.00 -1179.00
1.71 -2.56 978.45 -2.90 0.65 40.90 -803.00 -209.00 -1179.00
44.68 -54.08 986.69 -1.90 2.06 14.56 -803.00 -209.00 -1179.00
29.36 12.63 985.41 0.23 -1.45 11.65 -784.00 -282.00 -1219.00
116.52 280.76 944.15 -0.18 -2.61 6.03 -784.00 -282.00 -1219.00
391.60 581.12 1185.73 20.98 -75.58 -13.74 -610.00 -267.00 -1501.00
189.33 487.55 1298.22 -1.75 -5.80 -21.78 -610.00 -267.00 -1501.00
526.73 410.22 1157.35 8.26 -7.71 -30.20 -610.00 -267.00 -1501.00
383.42 405.94 1074.65 10.72 23.86 -5.15 1235.00 -14.00 -699.00
549.62 257.20 920.72 18.56 13.31 -6.36 1235.00 -14.00 -699.00
429.69 160.77 863.28 23.43 6.33 0.40 866.00 -21.00 99.00
473.75 0.12 788.76 18.44 -9.96 26.30 866.00 -21.00 99.00
398.74 22.16 734.86 4.78 -14.70 49.36 866.00 -21.00 99.00
374.15 127.99 865.23 16.76 -32.34 76.29 598.00 -23.00 253.00
59.88 250.24 1031.37 20.90 12.33 108.57 598.00 -23.00 253.00
9.95 208.31 979.37 52.19 4.12 105.09 541.00 -12.00 263.00
-157.59 8.61 1156.98 51.40 6.84 118.52 541.00 -12.00 263.00
-127.20 106.02 940.86 48.36 15.14 114.05 541.00 -12.00 263.00
-61.65 50.78 1092.65 83.04 30.95 157.47 466.00 58.00 284.00
-177.67 134.89 1026.00 24.73 19.45 145.93 466.00 58.00 284.00
-256.10 68.18 922.49 21.22 16.83 98.37 353.00 137.00 304.00
-80.81 -96.44 890.93 13.30 52.33 95.09 353.00 137.00 304.00
-204.04 159.73 901.06 -24.09 5.42 40.78 353.00 137.00 304.00
150.39 44.86 905.21 10.19 10.80 39.18 333.00 189.00 289.00
-42.18 20.87 866.64 -4.33 19.98 9.75 333.00 189.00 289.00
308.11 185.97 852.66 15.82 34.62 21.03 312.00 192.00 278.00
181.52 63.42 966.61 -18.10 -29.00 -3.81 312.00 192.00 278.00
244.57 149.35 1022.09 15.47 2.20 34.81 312.00 192.00 278.00
358.89 193.05 1323.73 1.29 -27.40 1.88 285.00 187.00 263.00
70.50 369.57 1111.39 47.44 -7.39 42.02 285.00 187.00 263.00
277.10 55.24 1213.44 -26.31 13.47 23.73 225.00 162.00 235.00
184.75 274.78 894.96 -40.60 24.88 -13.35 225.00 162.00 235.00
131.23 246.77 747.01 99.78 43.51 -5.39 225.00 162.00 235.00
103.39 178.71 956.85 196.68 43.27 -35.93 225.00 169.00 249.00
198.43 332.89 986.88 48.97 -47.67 -73.62 225.00 169.00 249.00
91.31 643.25 572.88 -58.61 -49.13 13.55 111.00 151.00 211.00
66.10 345.76 675.54 -82.87 1.75 35.93 111.00 151.00 211.00
129.15 420.72 947.33 -84.56 -13.61 -46.11 200.00 137.00 222.00
44.92 742.00 937.81 -34.07 -31.88 -31.66 200.00 137.00 222.00
97.47 169.49 789.00 -15.00 25.42 -15.90 200.00 137.00 222.00
51.70 382.63 1239.44 -50.24 45.46 -113.66 216.00 117.00 206.00
41.75 375.06 811.58 32.06 -37.01 -77.07 216.00 117.00 206.00
122.74 109.62 634.64 3.49 5.78 -77.22 216.00 117.00 206.00
160.28 267.40 892.27 25.54 -7.66 -92.16 234.00 92.00 216.00
151.98 408.69 696.53 28.54 -44.69 -57.60 234.00 92.00 216.00
190.49 405.40 787.35 -59.49 -29.17 -0.21 255.00 75.00 192.00
154.05 381.35 1002.26 -34.61 -38.73 17.88 255.00 75.00 192.00
49.13 385.68 865.84 -30.36 -46.67 28.39 296.00 26.00 201.00
127.44 263.92 964.90 13.46 -19.03 19.23 296.00 26.00 201.00
-83.25 272.95 1441.53 -56.18 -2.74 0.07 296.00 26.00 201.00
39.73 448.12 1017.46 -12.83 13.81 -17.73 298.00 32.00 192.00
127.44 511.05 1172.55 17.64 33.65 -19.60 298.00 32.00 192.00
122.25 143.43 909.79 6.45 -16.56 -43.98 298.00 32.00 192.00
81.12 -117.61 664.31 -67.61 -49.48 -114.51 305.00 57.00 182.00
253.30 87.04 307.25 -38.61 -2.75 -39.99 305.00 57.00 182.00
-26.49 -52.19 537.23 -38.25 -10.76 -43.32 360.00 -5.00 180.00
118.77 32.23 577.33 -53.58 8.80 -35.00 360.00 -5.00 180.00
-2.93 207.15 762.94 -25.32 4.09 1.68 431.00 -30.00 156.00
144.17 80.75 617.68 23.62 20.50 18.72 431.00 -30.00 156.00
-98.08 53.83 682.37 7.22 -4.08 53.72 431.00 -30.00 156.00
146.12 22.89 442.20 -11.01 16.11 28.38 443.00 -17.00 172.00
40.89 56.76 683.35 -36.25 -5.95 56.25 443.00 -17.00 172.00
39.61 175.11 911.93 -30.98 63.20 -7.74 443.00 -17.00 172.00
314.58 136.60 1119.45 -28.29 31.60 35.94 493.00 17.00 158.00
274.96 374.15 1481.20 2.04 -16.07 29.22 493.00 17.00 158.00
174.07 267.40 1765.14 -32.81 -66.25 23.15 498.00 23.00 153.00
159.61 67.26 1676.09 -28.67 -65.58 -32.92 498.00 23.00 153.00
192.87 -140.44 1667.18 -4.09 -34.87 -18.67 530.00 -44.00 132.00
106.32 -99.91 1588.07 10.86 -23.38 -1.11 530.00 -44.00 132.00
200.74 -101.87 1212.22 11.63 23.30 -54.08 530.00 -44.00 132.00
192.38 -6.84 1021.42 -6.17 -22.97 -16.83 514.00 -75.00 137.00
221.50 -72.88 1004.70 -35.96 18.07 -54.71 514.00 -75.00 137.00
292.97 -112.55 904.79 -33.19 -10.06 -40.34 514.00 -75.00 137.00
258.54 -35.58 962.95 -56.20 -72.49 -40.64 534.00 -98.00 122.00
396.61 -291.87 904.05 61.71 53.36 -52.82 534.00 -98.00 122.00
364.56 -135.62 956.48 54.36 45.25 34.38 551.00 -123.00 87.00
164.86 74.83 887.33 39.65 65.95 23.88 551.00 -123.00 87.00
-35.52 -627.62 1535.46 -16.20 105.61 -13.40 512.00 -62.00 129.00
166.93 -56.64 959.47 -1.94 6.53 -20.82 512.00 -62.00 129.00
164.31 -34.91 963.26 -0.11 -5.52 0.26 512.00 -62.00 129.00
-134.52 -212.89 728.21 14.70 0.50 49.95 505.00 -73.00 129.00
-68.73 33.57 733.89 0.08 170.89 -4.16 505.00 -73.00 129.00
-696.17 -324.46 812.93 -26.29 -38.58 -26.15 505.00 -73.00 129.00
6.59 -24.29 992.25 0.98 1.62 0.05 507.00 0.00 130.00
15.14 -28.08 986.21 0.35 0.70 0.03 507.00 0.00 130.00
16.97 -27.04 986.45 -0.16 0.11 0.02 514.00 -7.00 137.00
17.70 -31.49 986.21 0.03 0.27 -0.04 514.00 -7.00 137.00
18.68 -29.42 987.98 -0.04 0.05 0.14 500.00 7.00 141.00
15.50 -29.91 985.53 -0.05 0.23 0.12 500.00 7.00 141.00
17.33 -29.24 988.22 -0.01 0.24 -0.01 500.00 7.00 141.00
17.40 -30.94 988.89 -0.05 0.15 0.08 507.00 7.00 123.00
19.59 -31.01 986.27 -0.03 0.21 -0.01 507.00 7.00 123.00
15.87 -28.32 987.30 -0.05 0.21 0.02 512.00 1.00 142.00
15.26 -29.17 987.49 0.01 0.12 0.02 512.00 1.00 142.00
16.30 -28.69 985.47 -0.02 0.18 0.02 512.00 1.00 142.00
16.97 -31.01 986.63 -0.03 0.12 -0.01 518.00 -3.00 127.00
18.01 -28.02 989.87 -0.02 0.20 0.02 518.00 -3.00 127.00
15.56 -28.50 989.07 -0.09 0.11 -0.02 523.00 16.00 132.00
18.55 -28.87 986.51 0.02 0.17 0.05 523.00 16.00 132.00
14.95 -30.40 987.85 0.03 0.24 0.09 523.00 16.00 132.00
17.64 -30.03 987.12 -0.08 0.13 -0.02 525.00 -3.00 130.00
16.11 -29.72 985.35 -0.01 0.17 -0.02 525.00 -3.00 130.00
18.62 -30.27 984.13 0.02 0.26 -0.02 512.00 -1.00 136.00
18.07 -30.27 983.95 0.05 0.11 0.01 512.00 -1.00 136.00
17.03 -30.76 989.32 -0.01 0.15 0.05 512.00 -1.00 136.00
15.50 -28.93 985.29 0.05 0.17 -0.04 521.00 7.00 127.00
16.30 -30.52 988.65 0.03 0.22 0.11 521.00 7.00 127.00
18.62 -28.38 988.95 0.01 0.16 -0.07 516.00 8.00 136.00
18.31 -30.70 985.11 0.05 0.18 0.02 516.00 8.00 136.00
17.09 -27.83 985.41 -0.11 0.17 0.11 516.00 8.00 136.00
19.10 -31.25 983.70 -0.02 0.14 -0.01 512.00 -1.00 139.00
17.82 -31.07 987.06 -0.05 0.31 0.09 512.00 -1.00 139.00
18.55 -28.44 988.59 -0.03 0.11 0.02 518.00 3.00 137.00
16.17 -29.91 986.08 0.03 0.24 -0.05 518.00 3.00 137.00
16.91 -27.34 986.21 0.07 0.21 0.02 518.00 3.00 137.00
17.70 -29.79 986.51 0.06 0.24 0.06 516.00 5.00 136.00
18.98 -29.48 987.61 0.05 0.18 -0.05 516.00 5.00 136.00
17.94 -30.46 987.30 0.05 0.17 -0.05 509.00 12.00 142.00
16.91 -29.48 985.60 -0.05 0.14 -0.06 509.00 12.00 142.00
15.44 -29.97 985.78 -0.08 0.15 0.02 509.00 12.00 142.00
19.65 -30.27 986.76 0.01 0.24 -0.06 507.00 7.00 137.00
21.24 -30.52 986.02 0.00 0.02 -0.02 507.00 7.00 137.00
-76.66 -3.97 974.67 2.08 0.84 7.90 512.00 -1.00 139.00
16.85 -27.53 978.76 22.82 19.06 1.43 512.00 -1.00 139.00
-124.69 -94.30 1512.45 105.34 36.12 -1.48 512.00 -1.00 139.00
-353.52 -364.56 1712.52 30.63 74.89 -0.36 472.00 28.00 158.00
-481.57 263.92 1446.66 14.03 72.32 -89.69 472.00 28.00 158.00

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Accepted Answer

Bruce Rogers
Bruce Rogers on 8 Feb 2021
I got the solution for my problem. Owens Website ( ) uses two different ways to subtract the gravity. One way is to rotate the gravitation according to the new coordinate system, the other one is rotating the whole coordinate system and substract the gravity from the x,y,z acceleration.
I used the first way, because then you only need one loop for rotating the gravity, which looks like this:
g = [0; 0; 981];
g_rot = zeros(3,height(T)); %height(T) means the height of the csv
for i = 1:height(T)
g_rot(:,i) = [1-(2*quatParts(i,3)^2)*(2*quatParts(i,4)^2) 2*((quatParts(i,2)*quatParts(i,3))+(quatParts(i,1)*quatParts(i,4)))...
2*((quatParts(i,2)*quatParts(i,3))-(quatParts(i,1)*quatParts(i,4))) (1-(2*quatParts(i,2))^2-(2*quatParts(i,4)^2))...
2*((quatParts(i,2)*quatParts(i,4))+(quatParts(i,1)*quatParts(i,3))) 2*((quatParts(i,3)*quatParts(i,4))-(quatParts(i,1)*quatParts(i,2)))...
But thank you for your interest @James Tursa.
  1 Comment
Simon on 12 Jul 2024
Hey @Bruce Rogers, awesome that it worked out for you. I also want to get rid of the gravity component in my data. Unfortunately "" doesnt exist anymore. Is there any chance you could share your complete code?
Many thanks!

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