Why won't my linear regression line show?

15 views (last 30 days)
New to MatLab (and programming in general) and started messing around with my first attempt at linear regression. My code is running but when I run this, the plot has the data points but does not show the linear regression line. Any idea as to why?
format long g
t = [1; 246; 417; 607; 736]; %feature variable, univariate (x axis)
p = [234.31; 431.76; 652.14; 817.26; 2358.96]; %results variable (y axis)
m = length(p); %number of training examples
theta = zeros(2,1); %initiate parameters
iterations = 1500; %iterations needed for GD
alpha = 0.01;
plot(t,p, "bd", "MarkerSize",8);
title ('Bitcoin price');
xlabel('Days Transpired');
ylabel('Bitcoin Price');
%compute cost function
%add column to t
t = [ones(m,1),t];
J = computeprice(t, p, theta);
%running gradient descent
[theta, J_history] = GradientDescentBTC(t, p, theta, alpha, iterations);
hold on;
plot(t(:, 2),t * theta, '--', "LineWidth", 1);
legend('Training data', 'Linear regression');
hold off;
Star Strider
Star Strider on 24 Jan 2021
Unrecognized function or variable 'computeprice'.
Austin Brune
Austin Brune on 25 Jan 2021
function J = computeprice(t, p, theta)
h= t * theta;
J = 1 / (2 * m) * sum((h - p) .^2);

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 28 Jan 2021
I believe there is something wrong with ‘computeprice’. It should produce a vector the same length as ‘t’ that is then compared with ’p’ to estimate ‘theta’. Note that it also must have ‘m’ as an argument.
Make necessary changes in ‘computeprice’ in this code (coded as an anonymous function here) to get the desired result:
computeprice = @(t, theta, m) 1 ./ (2 * m) * t.*theta;
t = [1; 246; 417; 607; 736]; %feature variable, univariate (x axis)
p = [234.31; 431.76; 652.14; 817.26; 2358.96]; %results variable (y axis)
m = length(p); %number of training examples
est_theta = fminsearch(@(theta) norm(computeprice(t, theta, m) - p), rand);
plot(t, p, 'p')
hold on
plot(t, computeprice(t, est_theta, m), '-r', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
Since it is supposed to be a linear regression, and if I correctly understand what ‘computeprice’ is supposed to do, a much simpler way to calculate this is to use the mldivide,\ function or operator:
est_theta = [1/(2*m)*t] \ p;
plot(t, p, 'p')
hold on
plot(t, est_theta*1/(2*m)*t, '-r', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
producing the same result as the fminsearch call.
Note that this will demonstrate the linear regression.
Austin Brune
Austin Brune on 28 Jan 2021
lol I appreciate it
re: your t(:,2) comment, didn't I create a 2 column vector with t = [ones(m,1),t]?
Other than that, sounds like I just start over as it's ridden with problems
I'm just confused as to why no errors are showing up when I run.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 28 Jan 2021
As always, my pleasure!
re: your t(:,2) comment, didn't I create a 2 column vector with t = [ones(m,1),t]?
I must have missed copying that when I tried running your code.
Running your code again (and copying everything), ‘J_history’ starts at 3.1176e+012 and quickly overflows. The value for ‘theta’ is a (2x2) NaN vector, so myultiplying it by ‘t’ produces a NaN vector:
CheckResult = t * theta
CheckResult =
and NaN (and other non-finite) values do not plot.
I did my best to see in detail what the problems are with your code, however I could not figure out the logic.

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