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Problem with importing data from tab delimited .txt file

40 views (last 30 days)
I have a very long 5-column text data with tab as delimiter, for example say that 'txtfile.txt' has 7 lines:
144141 180738085 two two mc
144141 180738086 of of io
144141 180738087 us us ppio2
144141 180738088 . . .
144141 180738089 " " "
144141 180738090 Hollywood hollywood np1
144141 180738091 Heartbeat heartbeat np1
using importdata i get a 7X1 cell array like the following:
importdata('txtfile.txt','\t') % same for importdata('txtfile.txt')
{'144141→180738085→two→two→mc' }
{'144141→180738086→of→of→io' }
{'144141→180738087→us→us→ppio2' }
{'144141→180738088→.→.→.' }
{'144141→180738089→"→"→"' }
So importdata doesn't work. If I use readtable I get a 5X5 table like the following:
readtable('txtfile.txt') % also for readtable('txtfile.txt','Delimiter','tab')
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5
__________ __________ _______ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________
1.4414e+05 1.8074e+08 {'two'} {'two' } {'mc' }
1.4414e+05 1.8074e+08 {'of' } {'of' } {'io' }
1.4414e+05 1.8074e+08 {'us' } {'us' } {'ppio2' }
1.4414e+05 1.8074e+08 {'.' } {'.' } {'.' }
1.4414e+05 1.8074e+08 {'→' } {'←↵144141→180738090→Hollywood→hollywood→np1←↵144141→180738091→Heartbeat→heartbeat→np1'} {0×0 char}
So something about having a quotation mark in the text file ruins it.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 17 Dec 2020
you can get the same result by combining readlines and split - still remain the question why the tab option is not working in readlines
s = importdata('data_tab.txt','\t');
sp = split(s,' ');
yuval on 21 Dec 2020
I ended up using
s = importdata(file_name);
sp = split(s,' ');
because a couple of the other suggestions had a problem with empty values, i.e. two consecutive tabs. It works well although a bit slow.
Thanks everyone!

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