Matrix dimensions must agree.

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I have this code here, where I try to generate a final image for a spectum of one image and phase of another image, and the vice versa, as shown below:
but I am getting an error: Matrix dimensions must agree.
girl = imread('girl.tif');
a = imread('letterA.tif');
F = fft2(girl);
A = fft2(a);
sgirl = abs(F);
sA = abs(A);
phigirl = angle(F);
phiA = angle(A);
%generate an image by using the spectrum of the letter image and the phase of the girl image.
g = sA.*exp(1i*phigirl);
%Form an image from the spectrum of the girl and the phase of the letter.
h = sgirl.*exp(1i*phiA);
title('sA and phigirl');
title('sgirl and phiA');

Accepted Answer

KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Nov 2020
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Nov 2020
May be both image are not having equal size, please modify. As there are elementwise multiplication in g and h lines.
girl = imread('girl.tif');
a = imread('letterA.tif');
....same code
John rayedshahin
John rayedshahin on 18 Nov 2020
Yes it worked, thank you
John rayedshahin
John rayedshahin on 18 Nov 2020
I completely forgot they're different sizes.

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