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Build App. No matching files were found: Android app with simulink

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I want to install the Simulink Support Package for Android Devices.
At this step (see the picture attached), my computer is connected to the internet via ethernet cable (is this the problem?) to a TP-link WLAN repeater.
I connected my Android-based smartphone to the TP-link WLAN repeater but I got this problem.
I have checked the forum and there is nothing here. I am using Matlab 2020a.
Jose Rego Terol
Jose Rego Terol on 25 Oct 2020
22 Oct 2020
If you are seeing “No matching files were found.” error in Verify Configuration screen during Hardware Setup for the Android Studio version 4.1, then you may download a lower version of Android Studio from below archives link:
You may choose Android Studio 4.0.2 which was released on October 6, 2020 or any version below that to download.
During installation you may choose a different folder than the default location if you want to keep your existing Android Studio installation.
Once installation is complete, you may run hardware setup again using this newly installed Android studio and it should go through.

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