How to read several excel files (30 files) without repeating the program?
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Hi Everyone;
I just wrote a program to read from one excel file and then calculate something by using the column data. Now I want to extend it to read 30 excel files and do exactly the same thing (I mean calculate same column in each files). The question is I have to copy all the program and change the name of each line which is too difficult so I wonder to know if another way that I can examine. Could you please help me?
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 19 Dec 2012
Ara: Here is an example of how to use ActiveX with Excel (get xlswrite1 from the FileExchange, then save code below as ExcelDemo.m and run):
% Demo macro to write numerical arrays and cell arrays
% to two different worksheets in an Excel workbook file.
% Uses xlswrite1, available from the File Exchange
function ExcelDemo
close all;
clear all;
fullFileName = GetXLFileName();
if isempty(fullFileName)
% User clicked Cancel.
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Prepare proper filename extension.
% Get the Excel version because if it's version 11 (Excel 2003) the file extension should be .xls,
% but if it's 12.0 (Excel 2007) then we'll need to use an extension of .xlsx to avoid nag messages.
excelVersion = str2double(Excel.Version);
if excelVersion < 12
excelExtension = '.xls';
excelExtension = '.xlsx';
% Determine the proper format to save the files in. It depends on the extension (Excel version).
switch excelExtension
case '.xls' %xlExcel8 or xlWorkbookNormal
xlFormat = -4143;
case '.xlsb' %xlExcel12
xlFormat = 50;
case '.xlsx' %xlOpenXMLWorkbook
xlFormat = 51;
case '.xlsm' %xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
xlFormat = 52;
xlFormat = -4143;
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
message = sprintf('I am going to create Excel workbook:\n\n%s\n\nClick OK to continue.\nClick Exit to exit this function', fullFileName);
button = questdlg(message, 'Creating new workbook', 'OK', 'Exit', 'OK');
drawnow; % Refresh screen to get rid of dialog box remnants.
if strcmpi(button, 'Exit')
% Add a new workbook.
ExcelWorkbook = Excel.workbooks.Add;
% Save this workbook we just created.
ExcelWorkbook.SaveAs(fullFileName, xlFormat);
% Delete the existing file.
% Open up the workbook named in the variable fullFileName.
invoke(Excel.Workbooks,'Open', fullFileName);
Excel.visible = true;
% Create some sample data.
myData = magic(20);
myOtherData = rand(10);
% Then run the new xlswrite1 function as many times as needed or in a loop
% (for example xlswrite1(fullFileName, yourArrayName, XL_CellLocation).
% IMPORTANT NOTE: the Excel object variable MUST exist in the routine that calls xlswrite1()
% and it MUST be named "Excel" EXACTLY because xlswrite1() has this line it it:
% Excel = evalin('caller', 'Excel');
xlswrite1(fullFileName, myData, 'mySheetName', 'B2');
ca = {'Column Header 1', 'Column Header 2'};
xlswrite1(fullFileName, ca, 'mySheetName', 'B1');
ca = {'Row Header 1'; 'Row Header 2'};
xlswrite1(fullFileName, ca, 'mySheetName', 'A2');
xlswrite1(fullFileName, myOtherData, 'myOtherSheetName', 'B2');
% Delete all empty sheets in the active workbook.
% For fun, add comments to cells A1:A12 on sheet #1.
worksheets = Excel.sheets;
thisSheet = get(worksheets, 'Item', 1);
for k = 1 : 12
myComment = sprintf('Comment for cell A%d', k);
cellReference = sprintf('A%d', k);
theCell = thisSheet.Range(cellReference);
% Then run the following code to close the activex server:
clear Excel;
message = sprintf('Done!\nThis Excel workbook has been created:\n%s', fullFileName);
% End of main function: ExcelDemo.m -----------------------------
% Gets the name of the workbook from the user.
function fullExcelFileName = GetXLFileName()
fullExcelFileName = []; % Default.
% Ask user for a filename.
FilterSpec = {'*.xls', 'Excel workbooks (*.xls)'; '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'};
DialogTitle = 'Save workbook file name';
% Get the default filename. Make sure it's in the folder where this m-file lives.
% (If they run this file but the cd is another folder then pwd will show that folder, not this one.
thisFile = mfilename('fullpath');
[thisFolder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(thisFile);
DefaultName = sprintf('%s/%s.xls', thisFolder, baseFileName);
[fileName, specifiedFolder] = uiputfile(FilterSpec, DialogTitle, DefaultName);
if fileName == 0
% User clicked Cancel.
% Parse what they actually specified.
[folder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(fileName);
% Create the full filename, making sure it has a xls filename.
fullExcelFileName = fullfile(specifiedFolder, [baseFileName '.xls']);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% DeleteEmptyExcelSheets: deletes all empty sheets in the active workbook.
% This function looped through all sheets and deletes those sheets that are
% empty. Can be used to clean a newly created xls-file after all results
% have been saved in it.
function DeleteEmptyExcelSheets(excelObject)
% excelObject = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% excelWorkbook = excelObject.workbooks.Open(fileName);
worksheets = excelObject.sheets;
sheetIdx = 1;
sheetIdx2 = 1;
numSheets = worksheets.Count;
% Prevent beeps from sounding if we try to delete a non-empty worksheet.
excelObject.EnableSound = false;
% Loop over all sheets
while sheetIdx2 <= numSheets
% Saves the current number of sheets in the workbook
temp = worksheets.count;
% Check whether the current worksheet is the last one. As there always
% need to be at least one worksheet in an xls-file the last sheet must
% not be deleted.
if or(sheetIdx>1,numSheets-sheetIdx2>0)
% worksheets.Item(sheetIdx).UsedRange.Count is the number of used cells.
% This will be 1 for an empty sheet. It may also be one for certain other
% cases but in those cases, it will beep and not actually delete the sheet.
if worksheets.Item(sheetIdx).UsedRange.Count == 1
% Check whether the number of sheets has changed. If this is not the
% case the counter "sheetIdx" is increased by one.
if temp == worksheets.count;
sheetIdx = sheetIdx + 1;
sheetIdx2 = sheetIdx2 + 1; % prevent endless loop...
excelObject.EnableSound = true;
Image Analyst
on 22 Dec 2012
What line is that? I don't see any line in there where you need to replace it with your path.
More Answers (3)
Mark Whirdy
on 19 Dec 2012
Edited: Mark Whirdy
on 19 Dec 2012
Hi Ara, what does "change the name of each line" mean? Can you provide some sample code to help would-be assisters understand the problem more clearly? Generally, the more effort you put into the question, the better the answer you'll get.
My guess is that you want to loop through a cell-array of excel filenames, opening each file in turn and reading in its contents ... is this right?
myPath = 'C:\';
myFileArray = {'myfile1.xlsx';'myfile30.xlsx'};
exl = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
exlWkbks = exl.Workbooks;
for i = 1:size(myFileArray,1)
tempWkbook = exlWkbks.Open(fullfile(myPath,myFileArray{i,:}));
tempSheet = tempWkbook.ActiveSheet;
tempArray = tempSheet.Range('A1:A100').Value;
% myVector = cell2mat(tempArray)*2; % PERFORM SOME OPERATION HERE
another link may help with excel activex properties/methods
besides this, google "matlab excel actxserver"
Mark Whirdy
on 19 Dec 2012
Edited: Mark Whirdy
on 19 Dec 2012
I think we have a language barrier problem. Can you start with the code I have posted above and then adapt it, I can't write this for you as I don't have your excel files.
In terms of this line: ...
data = xlsread{'1608_1.xls','A120:AF3723'; '1616_5.xls', 'A120:AF3723'};
1) you need round brackets, not chain brackets
2) have you looked at xlsread helpfile?, as your arguments do not conform to the required inputs [xlsread(filename,sheet,range)], you're referencing several files in the same xlsread.
Azzi Abdelmalek
on 19 Dec 2012
for k=1:numel(file)
Image Analyst
on 19 Dec 2012
Not sure if you were replying to me when you asked for a demo. I offered an ActiveX demo but then you seem insistent on using xlsread which will take an eternity. Mark Whirdy gave you some ActiveX code that you can use instead of xlsread.
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