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Save PC resources/increase calculating by avoiding showing plots?

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm working with multiple data analysis. After every dataset I get four plots what will be displayed.
Its takes 2-3 seconds, each plot.
figure('Name','Measured Data','NumberTitle','on'); hold on myspec(x,Fs); title("Result: " + file_name,'Interpreter','none') hold on p1 = plot(t_ref,m1,'-o','LineWidth',1.5,'Color','r');
hold on pN = plot(t_ref,mN,'-o','LineWidth',1.5,'Color','r');
saveas(gcf, [name, '.png'])
movefile([name, '.png'],FilePath)
Do I save a time/PC resources, when I just create and save this plots (without displaying) and if yes how can I do it?
I do already close all after all, but its just close already opened figures.
Thank you!

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