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Integer Delay Block not working

2 views (last 30 days)
Owen on 20 Nov 2012
A frame-based vector created with the Constant block shall be delayed one step with the "Integer Delay" block. The pamameter look likt this:
Constant Block:
Constant value = 1
Sampling mode = Frame based
Frame period = 1
Integer Delay Block:
Number of delays = 1
Input processing = Column as channels (frame based)
Initial condition: 0.0
Sample time = -1
But there is an error: The number of delays exceeds the channel length of the frame input.
What is "the channel length of the frame input"? Is it the vector length?
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 20 Nov 2012
Did you mean the Delay block from the "Signal Operations" library of the DSP System Toolbox? I just tried your settings, but didn't see any error.
Owen on 22 Nov 2012
It belongs to Simulink->Blocks->Discrete. The version is V7.11.0.584.

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