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simulink coder - code generation not visible in configuration parameter pane

20 views (last 30 days)
I am very new to simulink and I am trying to figure out how I can convert a model that I created to s-code so that I can use it as a user-defined block (S-function) in my other code.
I first tried to reference to my own created model through a Ports & Subsystems/Model block but this did not work out in my case because than a file is generated for each time the model block is referenced which I do not want due to memory problems and is also irrelevant because the block does not change...
Therefore my solution to circumvent this problem was to create s-code from the model and then reference to this s-code in my topmodel. So* first question*: is this the good way to approach this?
Second question: where can I find the code generation pane? I have checked and have the simulink coder installed (command ver shows: Simulink Coder Version 8.2 (R2012a) but I cannot find it on the configuration pane (see picture attached) nor in the model explorer. In the help of the simulink coder this option should be there and I have no idea were to look further... )

Accepted Answer

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 12 Nov 2012
See Create S-Function Blocks from a Subsystem for information on you can use Simulink Coder to generate an S-function from a subsystem.
What do you see when you execute:
>> license('checkout', 'real-time_workshop')
If you don't see 1 as the return value, you are probably not seeing the Code Generation pane in the Configuration Parameters window because Simulink is unable to check out a license for Simulink Coder (formerly known as Real-Time Workshop).
Ingrid on 13 Nov 2012
Okay, I have contacted our ict-service and apparently I will not be able to obtain the license for the simulink coder as it reserved for specific departments.
Any ideas on how I can solve my problem stated above without the simulink coder?
Is it better to work with model-references or with subsystems or ... The reason that I worked with model-reference is that I have a certain set-up that needs to be repeated within one top-model at different locations and I build this top-model with matlab-code (add_block)
Ingrid on 13 Nov 2012
for future reference to other people confronted with the same problems: first read this
before starting the modelling - it makes much clearer which different approaches exist and which one is the best to follow in your specific case

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More Answers (1)

Hammed Omotoso
Hammed Omotoso on 19 Oct 2022
Edited: Hammed Omotoso on 19 Oct 2022
license('checkout', 'real-time_workshop')
ruuning this code returns 1 as the output yet I can not see Code generation pane in my simulink model. I am using MATLAB 2022a version.


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