Question about Matlab with pcbStack

4 views (last 30 days)
Daiki Ichikawa
Daiki Ichikawa on 9 May 2020
Answered: BhaTTa on 28 Nov 2024 at 4:36
Is there any solution how to stack another size of substarate by using the command " pcbStack"?

Answers (1)

BhaTTa on 28 Nov 2024 at 4:36
Hey @Daiki Ichikawa, the pcbStack object is used to create and manipulate a printed circuit board (PCB) stack-up, which consists of multiple layers, including substrates, conductors, and dielectrics. If you want to modify the size of a substrate in a pcbStack object, you can do so by accessing and modifying the properties of the substrate layer within the stack.
Please refer to the below code and modify it based on your requirements:
% Create a default PCB stack
pcb = pcbStack;
% Access the substrate layer (assuming it's the second layer)
substrateLayer = pcb.Layers{2}; % Adjust index as needed
% Set new dimensions for the substrate
substrateLayer.Length = 0.1; % Example length in meters
substrateLayer.Width = 0.05; % Example width in meters
% Update the layer in the pcbStack
pcb.Layers{2} = substrateLayer; % Ensure the index matches the substrate layer
% Visualize the PCB stack
% Further analysis or operations can be performed here


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