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Plotting boxplot with distributions other than normal distribution

55 views (last 30 days)
I was wondering if it's possible to use boxplot or a similar plotting technique to plot data that are not normally distributed?

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 17 Mar 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 17 Mar 2020
"[is it] possible to use boxplot or a similar plotting technique to plot data that are not normally distributed? "
Is it the best way to summarize a non-normal distribution? Probably not.
Below is a skewed distribution shown as a histogram and a boxplot. You can see the median value of the boxplot is accurate and the quartile markers (the edges of the 'box') show the skew. The outliers also indicate a skew. However, the median value doesn't indicate the expected value since the distribution isn't anywhere near normal. The histogram is much more descriptive and doesn't require knowing how to read a boxplot for the viewer to see the shape of the distribution or the expected value. But if you're more interested in the median and quartile values, a boxplot may better suit your needs.
x = pearsrnd(0,1,1,4,1000,1);
med = median(x);
s(1) = subplot(4,1,1:3);
xline(med,'r-','Median', 'linewidth',2)
grid on
s(2) = subplot(4,1,4);
boxplot(x, 'Orientation','Horizontal')
grid on
linkaxes(s, 'x')
ardeshir moeinian
ardeshir moeinian on 17 Mar 2020
Edited: ardeshir moeinian on 17 Mar 2020
yes you are right, the expected value would be different!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 17 Mar 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 17 Mar 2020
Yes, and that's something the histogram shows but the boxplot does not.
If you'd like to use a boxplot for other reasons, note that you could compute the expected value from the distribution (ie, fitting, like you mentioned) and then add a marker to the boxplot where peak of the distribution is.
This demo just marks the center of the tallest bin.
% t is the output from histogram()
% t = histogram(x);
[~, maxIdx] = max(t.Values);
peakBinCenter = t.BinEdges(maxIdx+1) - t.BinWidth/2;
hold on
plot(peakBinCenter, 1, 'g*')

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