How does a vectorized MATLAB / Optimization toolbox algorithm decide if X (output to objective function) is going to be a single point or several points?

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How does a vectorized pattern search alghoritm decide if the X should be a single point or several points?
In the global optimization toolbox user's guide R2019b chapter:(4-111) there is the following text:
"Note Write your vectorized objective function or nonlinear constraint function to accept a matrix with an arbitrary number of points. patternsearch sometimes evaluates a single point even during a vectorized calculation."
I am interested in when/why pattern search only evaluates a single point instead of several?
I have looked in the user's manual for a more detailed explinatation but have not found one, maybe I have missed something?
-------------------------------- Example ------------------------------------
One simple example:
%% SimpleTest
ObjectiveFunction = @SimpleFunc;
options = optimoptions('patternsearch');
options = optimoptions(@patternsearch,'PlotFcn',{@psplotbestf}, ...
options = optimoptions(options,'UseVectorized', true);
options = optimoptions(options,'InitialMeshSize', InitialMeshSize_Data);
options = optimoptions(options,'UseCompletePoll', true);
options = optimoptions(options,'SearchFcn', @GPSPositiveBasisNp1);
options = optimoptions(options,'Display', 'off');
[x, fval] = patternsearch(ObjectiveFunction,x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],options)
function x_out = SimpleFunc(x_in)
for i=1:size(x_in,1)
X(i,:) = x_in(i,:).^3; % just takes the input value to the power of 3.
for ii=1:size(X,1)
x_sum(ii) = sum(X(ii,:)); % sums the rows to and returns as the Value
If I have a breakpoint in the start of SimpleFunc and study the incoming values from pattern search. The first 'run/iteration' gives a 2-by-10 matrix (good it tests two points), but then for all the other 'runs/iterations' it only gives me a 1-by-10 vector, which means one single point (right?).
Is there any way to make the input from pattern search always or more often give a matrix to the objective function?
best regards,
Gifari Zulkarnaen
Gifari Zulkarnaen on 5 Apr 2020
If 'UseVectorized' is true, the incoming value supposed to be 2N/Np1-by-10 in your example. How do you set breakpoint and get the incoming values?
Markus Lythell
Markus Lythell on 7 Apr 2020
Hi! The values are sent to the objextive function in which there's a breakpoint before the parfor loop begins. Thank you for your reply, however I think my issue is solved.

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