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How to print APP Window

20 views (last 30 days)
Jeanne Parmentier
Jeanne Parmentier on 23 Jul 2019
Edited: Austin B on 26 Jan 2022
Hello everyone,
I am creating a App in the App Designer to allow me import data, plot it in figures, add text, information etc. and I would like to export everything (figures + text) in a PDF.
I would like to print my app window like I was able to do when I used GUI figure in a PDF document, when a "PDF Export" button is pushed.
This is how it was working on GUI:
function pushbutton_PDF_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
print(GUI_Screen,'-fillpage', '-dpdf', 'GUI_Screen.pdf')
It would be a bit like a screenshot of the window, but I can't figure out how to do it!
Does anyone have a clue about it ?
  1 Comment
Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson on 23 Apr 2020
If you are using Windows 10, just use the "Snipping Tool" (type Snipping Tool in the search window). That worked fine for me!

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Accepted Answer

Navya Seelam
Navya Seelam on 26 Jul 2019
print functionality is not supported by App Designer. Moreover, figures created programmatically using UIFigure do not support save, load and savefig functions.
Possible workaround in your case is to create a pushbutton and create local handle to the figure in the callback for pushbutton. Assign the individual values of figure generated using UIFigure to the local figure and use saveas to save the local figure in pdf format as shown below.
saveas(h,'savename','pdf') ;
For more details on unsupported functionality in App Designer refer the following link
Jeanne Parmentier
Jeanne Parmentier on 29 Jul 2019
Hi, thanks for your answer!
Unfortunately, I do not want to save only the figure but the whole window with multiple figures and edit text, etc.
I will keep working on GUI then
Thanks again
Baha411 on 1 Oct 2019
Jeanne Parmentier Did you solve this problem with appdesigner?

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More Answers (1)

Austin B
Austin B on 26 Jan 2022
Edited: Austin B on 26 Jan 2022
For newcomers to this question, starting with R2020b is possible to print the app window to a pdf using the exportapp function. Adam Danz's answer to this question gives a lot of different ways to print UI figures and axes with different versions of MATLAB.


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