Droplet Contact Angle Measurement

26 views (last 30 days)
Voon Loong
Voon Loong on 19 Aug 2012
I am using the code below to generate the droplet image and measure the contact angle. After truncation, I only can get the subtrate image but not the actual droplet image i need. Can somebody help me to look into it?
Thanks you.
% Surface Tension Measurements Using the Pendant Drop Method
[filename, pathname] = ...
uigetfile({'*.jpg';'*.tif';'*.gif';'*.*'},'Select an image'); %Open standard dialog box for retrieving files
rgbImage = imread([pathname,filename]);
im = im2double(rgb2gray(rgbImage)); % Convert image to gray
imshow(im); % Display image
BW = im2bw(im);
L = bwlabeln(1-BW, 4); % Label White Spots
S = regionprops(L, 'Area'); % Measure Area of Spots
BW2 = ismember(L, find([S.Area] ==max( [S.Area]) )); % Find Largest Spot
BW2(1,:) = 1; % Turn First Row White
BW3 = imfill( BW2, 'holes' ); % Fill In Holes in Image
[x_coordinates y_coordinates Pixel_vals] = impixel;
rot_line = polyfit(x_coordinates ,y_coordinates ,1 ); % Replicate Substrate
rot_point = round( polyval( rot_line, 1 )); % Truncation Point
rot_angle = atan( rot_line(1) ); % Correction Angle
BW4 = BW3( rot_point:end,: ); % Truncation
BW4 = imrotate( BW4, -rot_angle*180/pi ); % Correction
BW4 = BW4( -y_coordinates(2) + rot_point:end,: ); % Truncation Correction
imshow( BW4 ); % Display Image
Function_ContactAngleb([200 300], 250, BW4)
[val, status, message] = fminsearch( @(cntr_radius) ...
Function_ContactAngleb( cntr_radius(1:2), cntr_radius(3), BW4 ), ...
[200, 200, 100], optimset('display', 'iter' ) );
crcl = Function_ContactAngle( val(1:2), val(3), size(BW4) ); % Optimized Generated Circle
imagesc( 10*crcl+BW4 ); % Picture/Optimization Overlay
axis image; % Show axes
% Math manipulation to calculate contact points based on radius and
% location of the center of the circle
contact_pt = [ (sqrt( val(3)^2 - ( 1-val(1) )^2 ) + val(2)), ...
-(sqrt( val(3)^2 - ( 1-val(1) )^2 ) + val(2)) ];
% Determine tangent lines of contact points
tangent_slope = -( contact_pt-val(2) )/( 1-val(1) );
contact_angle = atan(tangent_slope); % Contact Angle
contact_angle = (contact_angle*180/pi); % Radians to Degrees
corrected_angle = [ mod( 180-contact_angle(1), 180 ),...
mod( 180+contact_angle(2), 180)]; % Correction for proper domain
% Finish Main Program
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Aug 2012
And how can we do that? (Put yourself in our position and think a minute.)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Aug 2012
... For example, is the cameraman image a suitable input?

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Aug 2012
Your array Function_ContactAngle is not initialized anywhere in the code you show.
The portion of your code starting at "Math manipulation" references the variable "val" which is previously unreferenced.
A reasonable hypothesis would be that the portion of your code starting at "Math manipulation" should be a function named Function_ContactAngle .
With regards to plotting not working as you expect, please read my graphics advice in http://www.mathworks.co.uk/matlabcentral/answers/22208-show-figure
Voon Loong
Voon Loong on 21 Aug 2012
Edited: Walter Roberson on 21 Aug 2012
Thanks for your reply.
I have a problem when I need to truncate the substrate in order to get my actual droplet especially when those droplet with reflection on the substrate. Is it the problem with the truncation?
[x_coordinates y_coordinates Pixel_vals] = impixel;
rot_line = polyfit(x_coordinates ,y_coordinates ,1 ); % Replicate Substrate
rot_point = round( polyval( rot_line, 1 )); % Truncation Point
rot_angle = atan( rot_line(1) ); % Correction Angle
BW4 = BW3( rot_point:end,: ); % Truncation
BW4 = imrotate( BW4, -rot_angle*180/pi ); % Correction
BW4 = BW4( -y_coordinates(2) + rot_point:end,: ); % Truncation Correction
imshow( BW4 ); % Display Image
Kind regards,
Voon Loong
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Aug 2012
I do not understand what you mean by "truncation" in this context?

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