How do I get specific data using inpolygon in Matlab?

7 views (last 30 days)
I've written a code where I'm reading flight data from an excel sheet and trying to find all the flights within a particular bound using the inpolygon code. I to only record want the flight data which has all its cordinates within the polygons bound, and if it is not within the bound I don't want it to be recorded, but it isn't working...
This is the code:
clear all;
if exist('coords.mat','file')
load coords
lat = []; % latitude
lon = []; % longitude
alt = []; % altitude
spd = []; % speed
flg = {}; % flight
tim = []; % time
lat1 = xlsread('plot.xlsx', 'C2:C86400');
lon1 = xlsread('plot.xlsx', 'D2:D86400');
alt1 = xlsread('plot.xlsx', 'E2:E86400');
flg1 = xlsread('plot.xlsx', 'A2:A86400');
lat10 = [6.6038,21.841667]; lon10 = [94.4166,62.375000];%P574
% Save and continue
%% Render the recorded data
% Prepare figure
load coords %#ok<*UNRCH>
close all
% Settings
centerLoc = [12.9716,77.5946]; % LEVC
% Prepare UTM scenario
mstruct = defaultm('utm'); = utmzone(centerLoc(1),centerLoc(2));
mstruct = defaultm(mstruct);
% Plot land contours
SHPdir = '.\SHPs\';
countries = shaperead([SHPdir 'ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp'],...
'Selector',{@(x) strcmpi(x,'es'),'foo'},'UseGeoCoords', true);
% Change 'ES.VC' for the provinces/states of your preference or use a RegExp
% for all provinces: @(x) strcmpi(x,'ES.VC') => @(x) ~isempty(regexpi(x,'^ES.*$'))
provinces = shaperead([SHPdir 'ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp'],...
'Selector',{@(x) strcmpi(x,'ES.VC'),'region_cod'},'UseGeoCoords', true);
[x,y] = mfwdtran(mstruct,[countries.Lat provinces.Lat],[countries.Lon provinces.Lon]);
[xc,yc] = mfwdtran(mstruct,centerLoc(1),centerLoc(2));
[x1,y1]= mfwdtran(mstruct,lat1,lon1);
[x10, y10]= mfwdtran(mstruct,lat10,lon10);
X = [x10,fliplr(x10)-d];
Y = [y10,fliplr(y10)];
[in,on] = inpolygon(x1,y1,X,Y);
% (in) contains the indices of the points inside the parallelogram
% (on) contains the indices of the points on the parallelogram
j =1;
i =1;
p = 1;
flightno = [] ;
k = 0;
arr = 0;
for(flg1 = 1:86413)
j =j+1;
p = 1;
if (k ==1)
%plot flight no. (j - 1)
flightno(arr) = (j-1);
k = 0;
%define polygon and write check condition
if(x1(i)~= x1(~in))
if (p == 1)
k = 1;
k = 0;
p = 0;
Can you help me out with this please?

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 8 Apr 2019
I don't have the mapping toolbox and knows nothing about it, so possibly the problem is with your coordinate transformation code.
With regards to finding which flight is entirely within a polygon here is how to go about it:
journeys = readtable('plot.xlsx'); %much simpler than multiple xlsread
%your mapping toolbox code here. I've no idea if it's correct
[journeys.x, journeys.y] = mfwdtran(mstruct, journeys.latitude, journeys.longitude); %transform the flights latitude and longitude
in = inpolygon(journeys.x, journeys.y, X, Y);
[groupid, flights] = findgroups(journeys.flight); %assign unique id to each flight and apply to rows of the table
isallin = splitapply(@all, in, groupid); %are ALL points of the flight in the polygon? logical output
selectedflights = flights(isallin); %list of flights where all points are in the polygon
selectedjourneys = journeys(ismember(journey.flight, selectedflights), :); %portion of the table with only the selected flights.
Guillaume on 18 Apr 2019
The correct line should have been:
inratio = splitapply(@(in) nnz(in)/numel(in), in, groupid); %ratio of points in polygon to points in flight
It's not my code that creates this empty table since my code does not create a m variable. All my variables have meaningful names so it's clear what their purpose is.
Anyway, the easiest way for you to find out what has gone wrong with your code is to debug it Step through the code one line at a time, see how the variables change and if they change the way you expected. If not, fix the line.

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More Answers (1)

KSSV on 8 Apr 2019
KSSV on 8 Apr 2019
Using inpolygon is straight forward. I don't know where you are stuck..? Attach your data tell us your problem.
harman bhaveja
harman bhaveja on 8 Apr 2019
So, I'm using inpolygon to plot flight data within a particular bound. I only want to plot flights that are within the bound (paprallel or only inside it) and not the ones that have a few points within the bound and a few outside. So, what I thought was I'll write a code to record the list of flights which have data only within the bound (As asked in my question above) and nothing outside and then plot those flights separately later.
I'm attaching my code that plots my data (Untitled.m), the data (Plot.xlsx), the code that records the flight data (checkingcode.m) and plot that I'm getting (11.png, 22.png) below.

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