How to save an image in a folder automatically?
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I need to save the output image into a folder named 'Plate' in path named Documents/MATLAB/Project/Plate. But, I get error if I do so.Can anyone helpme in rectifying it?I have attached my code and the error in it.Anyone please help me in rectifying it.
baseFileName = 'my new image.png'; % Whatever....
fullFileName = fullfile('Documents/MATLAB/Project/Plate', baseFileName);
imwrite(r, fullFileName);
Error is
Error using imwrite (line 474)
Unable to open file "Documents\MATLAB\Project\Plate\my new image.png" for writing. You might not have write permission.
Error in Shi_tomashi (line 134)
imwrite(r, fullFileName);
Answers (3)
on 5 Feb 2019
Go the respective folder and check the need to give permissions to the folder to write the data into the folder.
samreen mughal
on 18 Jun 2019
Edited: samreen mughal
on 18 Jun 2019
baseFileName = sprintf('my new image.png'); % Whatever....
fullFileName = fullfile('Documents/MATLAB/Project/Plate', baseFileName);
imwrite(r, fullFileName);
r is your image, right?
if r is the image then,
just include "sprintf" command in your code for writing your file name.
Rahul punk
on 2 Jun 2021
Edited: Rahul punk
on 3 Jun 2021
%read image test.jpg
tt= imshow(image) ;
%save your image other location with any name save desktop or any folder also
saveas(tt,'C:\Users\admin\Desktop\testimagesave.jpg') ;
See Also
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