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Differential System Of Equations

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I am trying to find answers to specific input (t=20)
But my code keeps out putting strange equations without all the variable
I'd appreciate it if anyone can show me why this output is like that
For example the first line below is part of the output I dont understand what the #X is
xSol(t) =
(exp(root(#X^3 + (5*#X)/4 - 2^(1/2)/8, #X, 3)*t)*(2^(1/2)
clc, clear
syms x(t) y(t) z(t)
ode1 = diff(x,t) == z - (1/2)*y;
ode2 = diff(y,t) == (1/2)*x - (1/(sqrt(2)))*z;
ode3 = diff(z,t) == (1/(sqrt(2)))*y - (1/2)*x;
odes = [ode1; ode2; ode3];
cnd1 = x(0) == 1;
cnd2 = y(0) == 0;
cnd3 = z(0) == 0;
conds = [cnd1; cnd2; cnd3];
[xSol(t), ySol(t), zSol(t)] = dsolve(odes, conds)
hold on
hold on
grid on
legend('xSol','ySol', 'zSol')

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Jan 2019
Edited: Star Strider on 19 Jan 2019
No mystery at all.
Add these three assignments after your dsolve call:
xSolvpa = vpa(xSol)
ySolvpa = vpa(ySol)
zSolvpa = vpa(zSol)
and the functions resolve to:
xSolvpa(t) =
0.39703503403676880167413394762852*exp(0.13926074738154957998312484530008*t) + exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 - 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.30148248298161559916293302618574 - 0.0059166222071075799552646099750859i) + exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 + 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.30148248298161559916293302618574 + 0.0059166222071075799552646099750859i)
ySolvpa(t) =
0.32349030593970774096648972843982*exp(0.13926074738154957998312484530008*t) - exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 - 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.16174515296985387048324486421991 - 0.19227126160807200590439356187362i) - exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 + 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.16174515296985387048324486421991 + 0.19227126160807200590439356187362i)
zSolvpa(t) =
0.21703654854647326974599442155993*exp(0.13926074738154957998312484530008*t) - exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 - 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.10851827427323663487299721077996 + 0.24247546582044825480541269698659i) - exp(t*(- 0.069630373690774789991562422650042 + 1.1245199717305828384502799984853i))*(0.10851827427323663487299721077996 - 0.24247546582044825480541269698659i)
If you want to use them numerically, use the matlabFunction (link) function. That will convert them to anonymous functions.
To evaluate them and plot them:
x20 = xSolvpa(20) % Evaluate At t=20
y20 = ySolvpa(20) % Evaluate At t=20
z20 = zSolvpa(20) % Evaluate At t=20
fplot(xSolvpa, [0 30])
hold on
fplot(ySolvpa, [0 30])
hold on
fplot(zSolvpa, [0 30])
grid on
legend('xSol','ySol', 'zSol', 'Location','N')
They evaluate to complex results, although you can safely ignoire the imaginary parts, since they are vanishingly small:
x20 =
6.3031762131597174425074106544313 + 1.1479437019748901445007192746311e-41i
y20 =
5.2664281481456048004144813508306 - 2.2958874039497802890014385492622e-41i
z20 =
Differential System Of Equations - 2019 01 18.png

More Answers (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 19 Jan 2019
ic = [1;0;0]; % initial conditions
tspan = [0 20];
[t,x]=ode45(@myod,tspan,ic); % function call
when_t_is_20 = x(t==20,:) % solution 1 , 2 & 3
function dxdydz = myod(t,x) % function definition (save it in a separate file named myod.m)
% x=x(1);
% y=x(2);
% z=x(3);
dxdydz = zeros(3,1);
dxdydz(1) = x(3) - (1/2)*x(2);
dxdydz(2) = (1/2)*x(1) - (1/(sqrt(2)))*x(3);
dxdydz(3) = (1/(sqrt(2)))*x(2) - (1/2)*x(1) ;
Screen Shot 2019-01-19 at 10.13.50 AM.png

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