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How to select the indices of two arrays that satisfy two conditions using cellfun (no loops or ifs)?

2 views (last 30 days)
Let's say I have two arrays:
A = {'one(1)', 'two(1)', 'three(2)', 'four(2)', 'five(1)'};
B = {'One', 'TWo', 'thrEE', 'Four', 'fiVe'};
I need to know the indices in the array A that have a: (1) and in the array B only one capital letter. For this example the indices are:
idx = [1, 5]
Could you recommend me something using cellfun or something else without loops or ifs?
Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 22 Aug 2018
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 22 Aug 2018
IndB=cellfun(@(x) sum(x)==1, isstrprop(B,'upper'));

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