imshow() not working

79 views (last 30 days)
Marc-Andre Hoyle
Marc-Andre Hoyle on 11 Jul 2018
Commented: DGM on 13 Oct 2022
I'm trying to load and display an image using imshow().
im = im2double(imread('/MATLAB Drive/My Project/images/selfie.jpg'));
figure(), imshow(im);
The figure window comes up, but nothing is there. If I try to save the image using print I get a white image. I can look at the im variable, and it seems to have loaded properly. Help!

Accepted Answer

Anton Semechko
Anton Semechko on 11 Jul 2018
Use syntax:
when im has non-integer format. Or just do this:
im = imread('/MATLAB Drive/My Project/images/selfie.jpg');
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 13 Oct 2022
@Isabela Rodrigues what error message do you get? This works:
HeadCT = imread('circuit.tif');
imshow('circuit.tif'); % Or imshow(HeadCT);
which is essentially what you did.
If you have any more questions, then attach your image with the paperclip icon after you read this:
DGM on 13 Oct 2022
Any JPG file that can be read by imread() should be able to be displayed directly with imshow() or recast using im2double(). Either the image file isn't being read as expected, or there's something wrong with imshow() that I can't guess at.
You'll have to provide more information about the specifics. Do all images behave this way? Is it only certain images? If it's a certain image, attach it.

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