Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Hello, currently I'm working on outlier detection techniques. Can I detect outliers in multivariate datasets with three-sigma rule? If yes, then how?

6 views (last 30 days)
m =
5.8433 3.0573 3.7580 1.1993
>> d=std(m)
d =
>> d=3*std(m)
d =

Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 24 Jun 2018
Are you asking how to do this programmatically or conceptually? You want to detect all values that are greater than three standard deviations from the mean.
Here's a demo with fake data to work through conceptually. In the plot, data outside of 3sd along the y axis are circled.
%fake data
d = normrnd(166,42,1,5000);
m = mean(d);
sd = std(d);
outliers = false(size(d));
outliers(d < m-sd*3) = true;
outliers(d > m+sd*3) = true;
t = 1:length(d);
plot(t, d, 'b.')
hold on
plot(t(outliers), d(outliers), 'ro')
rh = refline(0,m);
set(rh, 'color', 'm')
rh2 = refline(0,m+sd*3);
rh3 = refline(0,m-sd*3);
set([rh2,rh3], 'color', 'm', 'linestyle', '--')
legend('data', 'outliers', 'mean', '3rd sd')
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Jun 2018
outliers = false(size(d));
outliers(d < m-sd*3) = true;
outliers(d > m+sd*3) = true;
could be simplified to this:
outliers = abs(d - m) > sd * 3;

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