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Matlab Compiler import Jar error

1 view (last 30 days)
FB on 12 Jun 2018
Answered: FB on 18 Jun 2018
I use Matlab 2016b 64Bit on Windows 7 with Matlab Compiler.
When i run my application directly in Matlab (on Windows) it all works fine. But when i try to run the compiled version (on another Windows machine) the import of third party Java classes fail. The error message is: "Error file: C:\......\myscript. Line: 59 Column: 8 Arguments to IMPORT must either end with ".*" or else specify a fully qualified class name: "a.b.c.ClassName" fails this test."
In my script i import the jar as: import a.b.c.ClassName
I also tried to change the import to "import a.b.c.*" but then i get an error when i try to use the classes i imported. I added a debug output to my compiled version to confirm that the Jars are on the classpath.

Accepted Answer

FB on 18 Jun 2018
The JARs are depending on DLLs. I didn't have the path to them on the PATH variable on the target platform. After adding it, the application can import the JAR files correctly.

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