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How to find and draw boundary on some parts of an object in image?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, i have an image of an object and i wanted to find boundary of parts that shown on image in red boundary. Is it possible to find boundary that exactly repeat the region that i need? If possible share some code or function that can help me? Thanks

Answers (2)

Anton Semechko
Anton Semechko on 29 May 2018
Is this what you are looking for?
bw=im(:,:,1)>150 & im(:,:,2)<100 & im(:,:,3)<100; % segment-out the red contours
bw=imfill(bw,'holes'); % fill-in contour interiors
bw=imopen(bw,strel('disk',2)); % remove jagged edges
B=bwboundaries(bw,8,'noholes'); % contour coordinates
hold on
for i=1:numel(B)
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Baisseyev Miram
Baisseyev Miram on 30 May 2018
Thanks, and no i used red lines just to show object but i want to repear exactly the forms of region in image, for example bottom left has some defect in rhomb shape so i want exactly rhomb shape.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 May 2018
You have lots of "defects" there - ridges, edges, specks, chips, dents, bumps, or whatever. The software doesn't necessarily know what is normal/OK and what is not normal/bad unless you tell it. The best way is to have a reference image - an image of a perfect part that you can then subtract from or divide by the test image. Do you have that?
Baisseyev Miram
Baisseyev Miram on 30 May 2018
Is it possible to play with light to make region with defects for example be darker or brighter and then turn image to binary and find boundary?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 May 2018
Yes, if that's how you want to define defects, then that's perfectly fine. See my Image Segmentation Tutorial for a full demo on how to do that.

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