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Why can't I run gpuDevice in MATLAB?

9 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to use gpuArray function for my MATLAB code. I am getting the following error when trying to run gpuDevice,
Error using gpuDevice (line 26)
An unexpected error occurred during CUDA execution. The CUDA error was:
CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime Version
Running parallel.gpu.GPUDevice.getDevice(1) gives this,
ans =
CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'Quadro M3000M'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '5.2'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 8
ToolkitVersion: 8
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 4.2950e+09
AvailableMemory: NaN
MultiprocessorCount: 8
ClockRateKHz: 924000
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 0
>> parallel.internal.gpu.CUDADriverVersion
ans =
' (362.13)'
Other Details,
  • MATLAB Version = 2017a with parallel computing Toolbox
  • Platform = Windows 7
MATLAB 2017a has CUDA toolkit Version 8.0. The Driver Version also seems to be 8. Then why is there an erorr? or am I wrong about the Driver Version?
Please help me with this!
Joss Knight
Joss Knight on 15 Apr 2018
No, you don't need to install the CUDA SDK (i.e. Toolkit) to use gpuArray, only the driver. You only need the toolkit to compile your own CUDA code (to use mexcuda for instance). The toolkit comes with a driver so often that's the way people get their driver; nothing but that will actually be used by MATLAB.
Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja
Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja on 24 Apr 2018
I get it. Thank you for Clearing the doubt

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Accepted Answer

Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja
Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja on 15 May 2018
Edited: Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja on 15 May 2018
The error is resolved now. I updated the NVIDIA Driver to 391.33 and it worked. Updated details are as below,
>> gpuDevice
ans = CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'Quadro M3000M'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '5.2'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 9.1000
ToolkitVersion: 8
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 4.2950e+09
AvailableMemory: 3.8116e+09
MultiprocessorCount: 8
ClockRateKHz: 924000
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 1
>> parallel.internal.gpu.CUDADriverVersion
ans = ' (391.33)'

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