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How do I silently install Support Packages in MATLAB R2018a or newer?

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How do I silently or noninteractively install Support Packages in MATLAB R2018a or newer?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 30 May 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 30 May 2024
There are one of two methods to install Support Packages in MATLAB silently:
Note: Silent install pertains to the support software installer only. Any third-party support packages that require an interactive install will still require your interaction.
Please additionally note that on Linux and MacOS, support packages are installed in the user directory. If you need to install support packages for all users, please change the support package root to a shared directory.
How do I change the directory my support packages get installed in?
This process is only available in MATLAB releases R2018a and newer.
To install a support package silently using this method, you will first need to follow the procedure in the article below to download the files for the support package beforehand.
How do I Download and Install a Support Package on an Offline Machine?
Once you obtained the installation files for the support package, please follow the below workflow to silently install support packages:
If MATLAB has not been run on the target machine, you must set the Support Package root first. Set the Support Package root by launching MATLAB, running the following command in the Command Window, and then closing MATLAB:
>> installFolder = matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot; matlabshared.supportpkg.setSupportPackageRoot(installFolder);
The silent installer executable takes two arguments: A path to the location of the downloaded files, and the location of an input file. When you download the support packages for installation, the installer creates a configuration file for use with silent install, named ssi_input.txt. Inside this file is a list of the support packages to be installed. This input file is updated automatically when support packages are downloaded. If there are any support packages you want to remove from the installation, you can comment them out or delete the lines from the input file.
If there is a failure in downloading a support package, that support package will not be listed in the input file. Before performing a silent install, check the input file to make sure that all the support packages you expect to be installed are listed. Any failures during download are listed in the installation log file. For details on how to get your installation log, please see the following article:
Where are the MATLAB Installation and Activation log files located?
After downloading the Support Packages, please see the following commands to run in a terminal to install, depending on your operating system:
cd DRIVE:\<MATLAB_PATH>\bin\win64
SupportSoftwareInstaller.exe -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>
For example:
cd C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023b\bin\win64
SupportSoftwareInstaller.exe -downloadfolder C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2023b -inputfile C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2023b\ssi_input.txt
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/glnxa64
./SupportSoftwareInstaller -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>
For example:
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/bin/glnxa64
./ -downloadfolder /home/jsmith/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2023b -inputfile /home/jsmith/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2023b/ssi_input.txt
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/maci64
./ -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>
For example:
cd /Applications/
./ -downloadfolder /Users/jsmith/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2023b -inputfile /Users/jsmith/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2023b/ssi_input.txt
For the path to the input file and path to user’s install folder, you can use an absolute or relative path.
This command may take several minutes to run. When it is done, check the installation log file to make sure the
installation completed. 
This process is only available in MATLAB releases R2019a and newer.
The MATLAB Package Manager (MPM) can install MathWorks support packages for releases R2019a and newer noninteractively without the need to download the support package files beforehand. MPM is supported on Linux, Windows, and macOS.
Assuming you already have MATLAB R2023b installed in the default location on Linux and you want to install the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware non-interactively via MPM, the three commands would be:
chmod +x mpm
./mpm install --release=R2023b --destination=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b --products MATLAB_Support_Package_for_Arduino_Hardware
For full instructions, please refer to the documentation for MPM:
 Support packages are installed in the user's home directory by default on Linux and MacOS. If running MPM as sudo, this will install support packages into the root user's home directory. To prevent this, please use sudo "HOME=${HOME}" to preserve the user's Home directory.
sudo HOME=${HOME} ./mpm install . . .
  1 Comment
Eric on 1 Mar 2019
I have the same problem as Alireza Soleimani. Why should a silent installer complain about a display not being available?

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