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Plot multiple plots on the same graph

5 views (last 30 days)
DIP on 14 Mar 2018
Answered: ND on 22 Jun 2018
Hi ,
I wish to plot these graphs as a function of Tpack % Temperature of battery pack. There are two temperatures , Tpack = [289 273].
Full code here :
%%ME 836 - HW5 Problem 4
clear;close all;clc;
% Data provided in excel files to interpolate the bsfc
Eta_mValues = 'motoreff.csv';
TorqueValues = 'Warp9Torquey.csv';
RPMValues = 'Warp9RPMx.csv';
Eta_m_val= csvread(Eta_mValues);
torque_val= csvread(TorqueValues);
speed_val= csvread(RPMValues);
%%Battery details
SOC = zeros; Ah = zeros; VDC_total = zeros; t = zeros;
Time = zeros; Wh = zeros;
%%With Grade 10 mph Headwind, 30 psi tire pressure
Vehicle_Speed = 40;
i = 1;
dt = 1; % Time interval
t = 0; % Initial time
P_motor = 35868; % Motor power
n = 10; % Number of batteries
SoC_new = 1; % Initial state of charge
VDC_total = 129; % Initial pack voltage
Bat_Wh = 14190; % Initial watt hours
Cr = 110; % Initial battery capacity
Tpack = [298 273]; % Temperature of battery pack
m = 1;
for m =1:2
for i=1:41
% Vehicle speed
VMPH(i) = Vehicle_Speed; % mph
Vmps(i) = Vehicle_Speed*0.44704; % m/s
%Effective Velocity
Veff_MPH(i) = VMPH(i)+(Vhead*phi_head); % mph
Veff_mps(i) = Veff_MPH(i)*0.44704; % m/s
% Rolling resistance force (N)
Fr(i) = (p_tire/pref)^(alpha)*(Vwt/zref)^(beta)*(ar+(br*Vmps(i))+(cr*Vmps(i)^2));
% Gradient force
Fg(i) = Vm*g*sind(1);
% Frontal area (m2)
Af = 0.84*Vht*Vwd;
% Air density (kg/m3)
rho = Pamb/R/Tamb;
% Aerodynamic drag (N)
Fd(i) = 0.5*rho*Af*Cd*(Veff_mps(i))^2;
% Tractive force (N)
Ft(i) = Fd(i)+Fr(i)+Fg(i);
% Torque at the wheels (Nm)
Tao_w(i) = Ft(i)*Dt/2;
% Brake torque (Nm)
Tao_brake(i) = Tao_w(i)/io/ig/etadr;
Tao_b(i) = Tao_brake(i)*0.73756; % Tao_brake -- lbf.ft
% Engine speed (rpm)
N(i) = Vmps(i)*io*ig/pi/Dt*60;
% Brake power (kW)
Pb(i) = 2*pi*Tao_brake(i)*N(i)/60/1000;
% Efficency of motor
Eta_m(i) = interp2(speed_val,torque_val,Eta_m_val,N(i),Tao_b(i));
Eff(i) = Eta_m(i)/100;
% Power from battery pack
Pow_Bat(i) = Pb(i)/Eff(i);
%Power from battery back in watt hours
Pow_Battery(i) = Pow_Bat(i)*1000;
% Initialize variables for while loop
t=0; dt=1; k=1;
SoC_new = 1; % Initial values of SoC
VDCInitial = 129; % Battery pack voltage
Wh = Bat_Wh; % Wh
Cr= 110; % Battery Capacity
%Iterative loop for VDCPack and Time
while SoC_new >= 0.2 % Actual SoC
Wh = Wh -(Pow_Battery(i)*dt/3600); % Wh
It_Ah = Pow_Battery(i)/VDCInitial; % Battery current
del_c = gamma*((It_Ah/Iref)^(chi))*((Tref/Tpack(m))^(delta))*dt/3600;
Cr = Cr - del_c; % Battery capacity
SoC_new = Cr/110; % Updated value of SoC
VDC_updated=(1.3*SoC_new+11.6)*n; % Updated values of pack voltage
t = t + dt;
% Store while loop values for the for 'for' loop
Watt_hr(i) = Wh; SoC(i) = SoC_new;
% Plotting values
kWh_used(i) = (Bat_Wh-Watt_hr(i))/1000; % Used kWh
Time(i)=t; % Time
Dist(i) = Time(i).*VMPH(i)/3600; % Distance covered
MPGe(i) = Dist(i)*33.705/kWh_used(i); % Miles per gallon equivalent
MPG_gas(i) = kWh_used(i)*1000/33705; % Miles per gallon for gasoline
Vehicle_Speed=Vehicle_Speed+1; % Update vehicle speed
% Plots
figure('units','normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7])
axis([40 80 6.5 10.5])
title('Battery KWh Used vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Kilowatt-Hours Used [kWh]','FontSize',10)
legend('T = 298 K','T = 273 K','Location','northeast')
axis([40 80 10 35])
title('Range of EV vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Distance Travelled [mi]','FontSize',10)
legend('T = 298 K','T = 273 K','Location','northeast')
axis([40 80 50 110])
title('Equivalent Fuel Economy vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
axis([40 80 87 95])
title('Motor Efficiency vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Motor Efficiency [%]','FontSize',10)
axis([40 80 10 50])
title('Power Required/Supplied vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Power [kW]','FontSize',10)
legend('Motor Power','Brake Power','Location','northwest')
axis([40 80 0.18 0.32])
title('Equivalent Gasoline Used vs. Highway Speed','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Highway Velocity [mph]','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Equivalent Gasoline [gal]','FontSize',10)

Answers (2)

Venkata Siva Krishna Madala
Hello DIP,
I understand that you want all the plots to be combined into a single plot. This can be done as shown below.
Krishna Madala
  1 Comment
Venkata Siva Krishna Madala
You can also insert a Legend for the different lines on the plot using the legends function.

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ND on 22 Jun 2018
Can you please send full code with input file, I need this evulation file for my project, please share if possible inculding all input parameters.
Thank you.

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