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Why it comes up with only the first slice all the time?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have 5 MRI images and need to load and stack them. I use the code below. It comes up with the first slice/image under 5 times. It does not load the 4 remaining images. Only the first image by 5 times. What to do?
clc; clear all; close all;
N=5; img_dir ='D:\Stelios PhD files'
strfile = 'Z01'; img = dicomread(fullfile(img_dir, strfile)); siz_img = size(img);
% create result matrix: D = NaN([siz_img N]); D(:,:,1) = img;
% load all the remaining images and put them in the matrix for i=1:N strfile = sprintf('Z01',i); D(:,:,i)= dicomread(fullfile(img_dir, strfile)); end

Accepted Answer

KL on 7 Dec 2017
Edited: KL on 7 Dec 2017
Probably you intended to write,
instead of
sprintf('Z01',i); %the outout here is always Z01

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