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Axes in GUI

3 views (last 30 days)
Ean Soo
Ean Soo on 20 Mar 2011
Hie guys, can i know how do we change the axes scale color? Like if we change at the properties table, it only appear when we run the GUI. But when we plot out the graph, the color change back to black color. So, can i know how to change it?
Regards, Ean

Accepted Answer

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 20 Mar 2011
%after plotting set the colors
set(gca,'XColor',[1 0 0]) %x scale in red
set(gca,'YColor',[0 1 0]) %y scale in green
You can also keep the scale colors by doing
hold all
before the first plot, be aware that this will also do other things to your axes that you might not want.
If you want to remove the scale on top and on the right
box off
  1 Comment
Ean Soo
Ean Soo on 20 Mar 2011
THank you Paulo

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