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How can I insert an image when publishing a document?

30 views (last 30 days)
I would like to publish a MATLAB code into an html and pdf files and I want to insert an image from my computer into the code i.e. NOT a figure from MATLAB.

Answers (3)

Jared Evans
Jared Evans on 10 Mar 2020
Also make sure it's on a new line. Took me an hour to figure out my mistake
% <<yourFile.jpg>>
Imola Fodor
Imola Fodor on 17 Mar 2022
hello, this should also work in the live editor? putting it in a code section?

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KL on 22 Aug 2017
Edited: KL on 22 Aug 2017
% <<yourFile.jpg>>
Make sure to save your image in the folder where your m-file is being published. More here .
KL on 23 Aug 2017
I tried it on R2015a as well, it works with a jpg file. Probably you're not putting it under a separate section..
and all these images should be in the publishing folder.

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Jan on 22 Aug 2017
This code inserts a generic image called FILENAME.PNG into your published output.


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